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Now, if this is not so, if she doesn't marry him, and if you give her to young Lehsen, there cannot be a doubt that the Clerk of the Privy Chancery will carry out his idea of jumping into that basin. Think what a sensation the suicide of a person of Tussmann's 'respectability' will create. Everybody will consider that you, and no other, are responsible for his death.

In the height of their blissfulness the two lovers had not heard the elephantine tread of Tussmann's peculiar boot-like shoes, nor his opening of the door, nor his coming in, and striding into the middle of the room. He now squeaked out, in his high falsetto: "But Miss Albertine Bosswinkel!

The tears came to Tussmann's eyes as he strove to disabuse Bosswinkel's mind of this idea; but Bosswinkel grew graver and graver, and at last said: "The more I think of it, the more I feel convinced that those people you met with were old Manasseh, the Jew, and Leonhard, the goldsmith, a very clever hand at juggling tricks, who comes every now and then to Berlin.

The Goldsmith took a handkerchief of dazzling whiteness out of his pocket, and wiped Tussmann's face with it. The bright lights of the Weberschen Zelt were visible, shining brightly through the trees. Tussmann cried out, in alarm "For God's sake, Herr Professor, where are you taking me? Good heavens! I can't be seen. Wherever I go I give rise to unpleasantness create a scandalum."

"Don't you see?" interrupted Albertine; "don't you know, that you're talking all sorts of incoherent nonsense, like some lunatic out of the asylum? Please go away. I feel quite unwell; do go away, for goodness' sake." Tears started in Tussmann's eyes. "Oh, heavens!" he cried. "Treatment like this from the beloved Miss Albertine! No; I shall not go.