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Appropriately does Horace observe: "Nor was the flute at first with silver bound, Nor rivalled emulous the trumpet's sound; Few were its notes, its forms were simply plain, Yet not unuseful was its feeble strain, To aid the chorus, and their songs to raise, Filling the little theatre with ease, To which a thin and pious audience came Of frugal manners, and unsullied fame."

But I could imagine, even then, that, under some excitement which should go deeply into his consciousness roused by a trumpet's peal, loud enough to awaken all of his energies that were not dead, but only slumbering he was yet capable of flinging off his infirmities like a sick man's gown, dropping the staff of age to seize a battle-sword, and starting up once more a warrior.

"How has Lady Grenellen taken the engagement?" I asked. "Cordelia? Oh, she is simply furious. It is the first time any other woman has ever had a chance with her. An English girl would have a rather blank prospect in front of her for the afterwards. But these Americans are so wonderfully clever and sensible, probably Luffy will remain Miss Trumpet's devoted slave for years."

The morn, all beauteous to behold, Drawn by white steeds, bounds o'er the enlighten'd earth: At once from every Greek, with glad acclaim, Burst forth the song of war, whose lofty notes The echo of the island rocks returned, Spreading dismay through Persia's host, thus fallen From their high hopes; no flight this solemn strain Portended, but deliberate valor bent On daring battle; while the trumpet's sound Kindled the flames of war.

Thus may some ten or twelve selected men Assemble unobserved within its walls, Bearing about their persons pikes of steel, Which may be quickly mounted upon staves, For arms are not admitted to the fort. The rest can fill the neighboring wood, prepared To sally forth upon a trumpet's blast, Whene'er their comrades have secured the gate; And thus the castle will be ours with ease.

Passion of Sudden Death! that once in youth I read and interpreted by the shadows of thy averted signs; Rapture of panic taking the shape which amongst tombs in churches I have seen, of woman bursting her sepulchral bonds of woman's Ionic form bending forward from the ruins of her grave with arching foot, with eyes upraised, with clasped adoring hands waiting, watching, trembling, praying, for the trumpet's call to rise from dust for ever!

Three hares crossed us and a fresh fox; some of the pack broke away after the new scent, but old Bluebell, your pet, held on like death, and most of them kept after her you had your doubts about Silver Trumpet's shoulders; they're not the thing, perhaps, but she ran beautifully all day, and didn't show a symptom of rioting."

At the sight of them he longed for the hour of battle, and he watched with eager gaze the sun climbing the sky; and, after hours of suspense, he heard the trumpet's sound and the clangor of the hollow shields, struck by the hard-pointed spears. Putting on the helmet, and fastening the shield upon his left arm, and taking the spear in his right hand, he stepped out bravely to the fight.

And surely of him, more than of any other Roman, could it be said, as Sir Walter Scott said of Pitt, and as Gladstone quoted, and applied to Sir Robert Peel, "Now is the stately column broke, The beacon light is quenched in smoke; The trumpet's silver voice is still, The warder silent on the hill."

Over all the rest of the field peace had resumed its sway. The thoughtless whistle of the peasant floated on the air, instead of the trumpet's clangor; the team slowly labored up the hillside, once shaken by the hoofs of rushing squadrons; and wide fields of corn waved peacefully over the soldiers' graves, as summer seas dimple over the place where many a tall ship lies buried.