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Treat's thin legs and arms, and then he said, warningly, "I wouldn't feel like it very often if I was you, Mr. Treat, 'cause she might break some of your bones if you didn't happen to scare her enough." "Don't fear for me, my boy don't fear for me; you'll see how I manage her if you stay with the circus long enough. Now I often " If Mr.

Treat's hands and drank it off. "Get me another," he said. "Is he gone?" he repeated, making an effort to rise. "Never mind, Boyle, he's gone." "Wait till another day, Barney," entreated Dick. "Never mind to-night." At this moment the sound of Dr. Bulling's voice, followed by loud laughter, came from the lavatory.

The man that keeps the hotel next door to the News office came out with a pail of water, yelled "fire," and threw the water on Mr. Curt Treat's head. Mr. Treat was very much vexed, and told the hotel man if he couldn't tell the difference between an auburn haired young man and a pin-wheel, he'd better go and hire somebody that could. Friends of Mr.

Tyler's friend Stubbs, to the bountiful repast which my Lilly has prepared for " At this point Mr. Treat's speech for it certainly seemed as if he had commenced to make one was broken off in a most summary manner. His wife had come up behind him and, with as much ease as if he had been a child, lifted him from off the floor and placed him gently in the chair at the head of the table.

As against this preponderance of negative testimony, and in corroboration of Mr. Lowell's and Mrs. Treat's circumstantial narratives, there remain to be mentioned the fact communicated to me by Mr.

"It hain't 'cause I'm good, my lad; but if I didn't help that poor fellow in some way, I'd see them big eyes an' that pale face of hisn every night I rode on this box alone; so you see I only do it for the sake of havin' peace," said Ben, with a forced laugh; and then he stopped the horses at the rear of Mr. Treat's tent.

Treat's reply to her request to be released from the work at Mt. Hope; also a letter written by the Tuscarora chiefs, representing her departure from their people." "February 22, 1878. "Bristol, Wis." To ELIAS JOHNSON, Tuscarora.

The man that keeps the hotel next door to the News office came out with a pail of water, yelled "fire," and threw the water on Mr. Curt Treat's head. Mr. Treat was very much vexed, and told the hotel man if he couldn't tell the difference between an auburn haired young man and a pin-wheel, he'd better go and hire somebody that could. Friends of Mr.

Treat's chair, telling her as he did so that he had just received her message and that he must hurry right back, for every moment was important then to him. "I put up a nice lunch for you," she said as she kissed him, "and you'll find it on the top of the biggest trunk. Now go; and if my wishes are of any good to you, you will get to your uncle Daniel's house without any trouble.

Toby looked around in some alarm, fearing that Mr. Treat's friendship was about to be displayed in one of his state dinners, which he had learned to fear rather than enjoy. But as he saw no preparations for dinner he breathed more freely and wondered what all this ceremony could possibly mean. Neither he nor Ella was long left in doubt, for as soon as they had entered, Mrs.