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Hobbs turned to the suspected tramper's sorrowful face and then to his fair pretty child and his good angel whispered something to Mr. Hobbs's heart and he said, after a pause, "Heaven forbid that we should not feel for a poor fellow-creature not so well to do as ourselves. Come in, my lass, and have a morsel to eat."

"Only a prince and a chive," said the man, disgustedly, meaning my half-crown and a jack-knife. "Well," said the woman, "his jacket's better than Bill's, and we'll have his little portmanteau, what's more." In another minute they had my suit stripped from me; and I had the sight of dirty little Bill, the tramper's boy, putting on my things. "Here," said the woman. "You put on Bill's things.

Hobbs turned to the suspected tramper's sorrowful face and then to his fair pretty child and his good angel whispered something to Mr. Hobbs's heart and he said, after a pause, "Heaven forbid that we should not feel for a poor fellow-creature not so well to do as ourselves. Come in, my lass, and have a morsel to eat."

When Hazlewood's treasures for he was a collector in his way were brought to the hammer, the scraps and odds and ends it contained were found classified in groups under such headings as these Garlands of Gravity, Poverty's Pot Pourri, Wallat of Wit, Beggar's Balderdash, Octagonal Olio, Zany's Zodiac, Noddy's Nuncheon, Mumper's Medley, Quaffing Quavers to Quip Queristers, Tramper's Twattle, or Treasure and Tinsel from the Tewksbury Tank, and the like.

Hopeless and bewildered, he left the books, and wandered day after day from farm to hamlet, and from field to tramper's tent, in hopes of finding out the secret for himself.