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People don't stop to realise the horrible tragedy of even one man's death one man with his little circle of relatives and friends. In the game of war one forgets. Human beings men from the toiler's bench, the carpenter's bench, from behind the counter, from the land, from the mine don khaki, become soldiers, and there seems something different about them.

From the toiler's brow, worse than at noon, the sweat rolled off, as at last he brought his work to a close by the glare of his leaping camp-fire. Now, unless he meant only to perish, he must once more eat and sleep while he might. Then let the storm fall; the moment it was safely over and the wind in the right quarter he would sail.

And every hour new signs of promise tell That the great soul shall once again be free; For high and yet more high the murmurs swell Of inward strife for truth and liberty." "When the toiler's heart you clutch, Conscience is not valued much; He recks not a bloody smutch On his gold; Everything to you he defers, You are potent reasoners; At your whisper Treason stirs, Hunger and Cold!"

'If you wouldn't mind, said the girl, looking up. 'I beg your pardon? 'Your groaning interrupts my work. 'I was not groaning. I was singing. 'Oh, I'm sorry! 'Not at all. Eight bars rest. Mr Ferguson, deprived of the solace of song, filled in the time by gazing at the toiler's back-hair. It set in motion a train of thought an express train bound for the Land of Yesterday.

Many of them have passed through the bitterest poverty, and all have been raised among toilers and from infancy have learned to sympathize with the toiler's point of view. * They are therefore by training and origin distinctly leaders of a class, with the outlook upon life, the prejudices, the limitations, and the fervent hopes of that class.

When the toiler's children have grown up and gone to join, the lads the army of slaughter, and the girls the army of vice, the father, degraded by the ills of life, pays little heed to it all. To him it is seemingly a matter of indifference to what disaster the wind may carry the fledgelings who fall from the nest.

Man groans beneath his burden, beneath the chain he wears; and still the toiler's guerdon is worth the pain he bears. For there's no satisfaction beneath the bending sky like that the man of action enjoys when night is nigh. To look back o'er the winding and dark and rocky road, and know you bore your grinding and soul-fatiguing load

She had always imagined that the true artist must regard himself as the imperfect vehicle of the cosmic emotion that beneath every difficulty overcome a new one lurked, the vision widening as the scope enlarged. To be initiated into these creative struggles, to shed on the toiler's path the consolatory ray of faith and encouragement, had seemed the chief privilege of her marriage.

But still true to his leading motive, Shakespeare, in King Henry the Fourth, has left the high-water mark of his poetry in the soliloquy which represents royalty longing vainly for the toiler's sleep; while the popularity, the showy heroism, of Henry the Fifth, is used to give emphatic point to the old earthy commonplace about "wild oats."

Something indefinably domestic and tender came from her hesitating speech and shone in her liquid, beaming eyes. The room swam in vivid sunshine, and seemed thus to typify the toiler's escape from poverty and defeat. "Don't expect me to talk," he said, slowly, strangely. "I'm too dazed, too happy to think clearly. I can't believe it.