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Miss Liz had offered to do this, and so had Jane and Ann, but the old woman indignantly waved them aside. "What d' you-all know 'bout nussin'?" she had asked, with a fine degree of scorn. But the true reason was that Bip loved Mesmie, and this gave Mesmie a claim upon Aunt Timmie's love. Uncle Zack was sitting, shortly after noon a week later, on the door step of Bradford's cottage.

Had Uncle Zack not daily poured it into Aunt Timmie's ears, still would she have known by a more convincing sense. She knew just when the gardener had entered the woods and pastures of his imaginings, cutting out the poison-ivy and pruning good things for greater promise.

The wheels of the starting gear bumped over the thin-crusted snow and jolted through Timmie's wheat stubble, then the great bird began to rise. Winter had set in. Now they glided over dark forests of spruce, and now swept above great stretches of barren lands. The air was biting cold.

It seemed that Aunt Timmie's over-powering presence had a faculty of drawing the innermost secrets from his small body and storing them in her own big frame, as though they were in need of a safer depository. Zack appreciated this, which was excuse enough for him. And, indeed, if they found their way only to Aunt Timmie's hospitable bosom, all situations were safe.

"Between old Aunt Timmie's declaration that it'll smell like heliotrope and taste like possum the year 'round, and Uncle Zack swearing it's just a big race track where everybody's horse will win, and doubtless the Colonel's word for it that it's a perpetual spring flowing with ice-cold mint juleps, I quite despair of the child's salvation. How have you been picturing it?"

But a deeper anxiety came into his eyes as he recalled some whisperings of two months back. "Don't let it worry you. It has been cooked by proper threats of the penitentiary " He stopped short, becoming for the first time aware of Aunt Timmie's presence as she was taking up the goblets with more than necessary deliberation.

Bruce and Barney succeeded in rigging out the plane in a very satisfactory manner, and one day in early Spring they again alighted in Timmie's stubble, much to the joy of the entire family. And a few days later they made a landing in the old athletic field of Brandon college, where a very happy girl, who had been watching the plane with a wistful eye, came rushing out to meet them.