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And this was obviously the case, for, after squeezing as much water out of his nether garments as chose to come, he proceeded to the head of the runs and resumed fishing. "I'm beginnin' to see through't," murmured Junkie, after watching for some time. "See! he has hooked another. Ye see, Tonal', it must be lettin' the hook drift away down under the ledges that does it. Look! He's got 'im!"

He hasna the right grip o' his hand the gowd slips through't like water, man; and it's no that ill a thing to be near him when his purse is in his hand, and it's seldom out o't. And then he's come o' guid kith and kin My heart warms to the poor thoughtless callant, Mr. Hammorgaw and then the penny fee" In the latter part of this instructive communication, Mr.

"I hae a'thing at hame to make me blithe 'cep' it be a wheen mair siller," answered Cosmo; "but maybe that'll come neist wha kens?" "Ay! wha kens?" returned the girl with a sigh. "There's mony ane doobtless wad be ready eneuch wi' the siller anent what ye hae wantin' 't!" "I hae naething but an auld hoose no sae auld as lat the win' blaw through't, though," said Cosmo, amused.

He hasna the right grip o' his hand the gowd slips through't like water, man; and it's no that ill a thing to be near him when his purse is in his hand, and it's seldom out o't. And then he's come o' guid kith and kin My heart warms to the poor thoughtless callant, Mr. Hammorgaw and then the penny fee" In the latter part of this instructive communication, Mr.

I thocht Sandy was raley gettin' akinda lichtwecht, d'ye ken, for I cud nether mak' heid nor tail o' his confused blethers. "Keep me, Bawbie, do you no' see through't?" he says, glowerin' at me wi' a queer-like look in his e'e. "Gie's three bawbees! Look now; there's thae three bawbees. Weel than, here's twa here, an' there's ane there.