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'I'm off i' th' morning; and sail for the north seas day after. He turned away, and began to whistle, as if he did not wish for any further conversation with his interrogator. Philip, indeed, had nothing more to say to him: he had learned all he wanted to know. 'I'd like to bid good-by to Sylvie. Is she at home? he asked of her father. 'A'm thinking thou'll not find her.

'Just take him this into t' ware-room; it'll put all to rights if thou'll take it to him wi' thy own hands. Sylvia looked up, and Hester then more fully saw how she had been crying. She whispered in reply, for fear of disturbing her mother, 'I don't mind anything but his speaking ill on me to mother.

She'll be better off a deal wi' thee, and she can see our Emma every day then. So dry thy eyes, little un; it'll be all right, thou sees." "But, Father, you'll not do without me!" "Don't thee be conceited, lass." Old Dan was trying hard to swallow a lump in his throat. "I'll see thee by nows and thens. Thou'll be a deal better off. And there's there's El'nor."

"Thou'll do like the rest," said the dying man. "Hold thy bellering, and let me speak, that's got no time to lose. How much will ye allow her, old lad?" "Six shillings a week, Ned." "And what is to come of young 'un?" "We'll apprentice him." "To my trade?" "You know better than that, Ned. You are a freeman; but he won't be a freeman's son by our law, thou knowst.

But she heard Kester's words well enough, and so he saw, although she made this excuse not to reply. But Kester was not to be put off. 'Folks is talkin' about thee and him; thou'll ha' to mind lest thee and him gets yo'r names coupled together. 'It's right down cruel on folks, then, said she, crimsoning from some emotion.

'Thou knows thou'll have just to jump back barefoot, and wash thy feet afresh, without making all that ado; thou shouldst ha' done it at first, like me, and all other sensible folk. But thou'st getten no gumption. Molly's mouth was stopped by Sylvia's hand. She was already on the river bank by her friend's side. 'Now dunnot lecture me; I'm none for a sermon hung on every peg o' words.

He'd been sendin' th' children 'way as were clatterin' their clogs in th' causeway, for she were asleep. "'Is it thee? he says; 'but you're not to see her. I'll none have her wakened for a nowt like thee. She's goin' fast, and she mun go in peace. Thou 'lt never be good for naught i' th' world, and as long as thou lives thou'll never play the big fiddle.

But thou'll be wanting to see t' lass, a'll be bound. An oud man like me isn't as good company as a pretty lass. Laughing a low rich laugh over his own wit, Daniel went to the bottom of the stairs, and called, 'Sylvie, Sylvie! come down, lass! a's reet; come down! For a time there was no answer. Then a door was unbolted, and Sylvia said, 'I can't come down again.

But she heard Kester's words well enough, and so he saw, although she made this excuse not to reply. But Kester was not to be put off. 'Folks is talkin' about thee and him; thou'll ha' to mind lest thee and him gets yo'r names coupled together. 'It's right down cruel on folks, then, said she, crimsoning from some emotion.

I ups wi' a hatchet when I saw as I were fast a-board a man-o'-war standing out for sea it were in t' time o' the war wi' Amerikay, an' I could na stomach the thought o' being murdered i' my own language so I ups wi' a hatchet, and I says to Bill Watson, says I, "Now, my lad, if thou'll do me a kindness, I'll pay thee back, niver fear, and they'll be glad enough to get shut on us, and send us to old England again.