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"Wal, we 'uns that've watched her grow up from a rangy, long-legged, stringy-haired leetle colt think more o' what she is than what she looks like, but now that you mention it, I'll lay there ain't a Jane this side o' the border and mighty few above it that can give her odds on looks. And there ain't a man in these parts but has his trigger set for the guy that'd look cross-eyed at her."

Why, any one would know that've got eyes in his head. There's as much difference in wedding-rings as there's in wedding people! Now, do pray be reasonable, my own sweet!" "Pray, do not ask me," pleads Lucy. "Pray, do think better of it," urges Berry. "Pray, pray, Mrs. Berry!" pleads Lucy. " And not leave your old Berry all forlorn just when you're so happy!"

Why, any one would know that've got eyes in his head. There's as much difference in wedding-rings as there's in wedding people! Now, do pray be reasonable, my own sweet!" "Pray, do not ask me," pleads Lucy. "Pray, do think better of it," urges Berry. "Pray, pray, Mrs. Berry!" pleads Lucy. " And not leave your old Berry all forlorn just when you're so happy!"

Don't think I'm the only one that knows you why, good Lord, Stella, I've no monopoly on the knowledge! Do you know what they'll say of you, all these fair weather friends that've dropped you like a smashed toy? I DO they'll say you've wrung me dry, and that now I'm ruined you've chucked me just as they thought you would.

This infant class that we're takin' down there ain't up to some o' the boys that've turned up their toes, but they average mighty well, and after we git some o' the coltishness drilled out o' 'em they'll be a credit to the rijimint."

That's what th' pa-apers calls a ray iv hope in th' clouds iv dipression that've covered th' market so long. 'Tis always a bull argymint.

"Thin I knew he was a polisman; an' I wint away, Jawn." "Jawn," said Mr. Dooley in the course of the conversation, "whin ye come to think iv it, th' heroes iv th' wurruld, an' be thim I mean th' lads that've buckled on th' gloves, an' gone out to do th' best they cud, they ain't in it with th' quite people nayether you nor me hears tell iv fr'm wan end iv th' year to another."

There's a lot o' you young fellers that've been takin' John Cardigan's money under false pretenses, so if I was you I'd keep both eyes on my job hereafter. For a year I've been claimin' that good No. 2 stock has been chucked into the slab-fire as refuge lumber." The raftsman tells me he seen Bryce down at the end o' the conveyin' belt givin' that refuge the once-over so step easy."

"From now on when there's too many dinies we can send somebody runnin' through the streets with a hot plate to call them into cold storage. We've pied pipers at will, to help out the black creatures that've done so much for us. If we've offended Eire on Earth, by havin' the black creatures to help us, we're sorry. But we had to till Moira and doubtless St. Patrick gave us the answer ye saw today.

"I don't pretend to be a weather sharp," Frank replied; "but, all the same, there are signs up there that've got me guessing." "Well, it is clouding up some," replied Bob, as he swept a look around at what they could see of the arch overhead. "Perhaps the long drought is going to be broken at last, Frank. Your father will be tickled, if it turns out that way.