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And he knows now just what to do: this very sunset he will reach his goal; he goes to fill 'Thanase's voided place; to lay his own filial service at the feet of the widowed mother; to be a brother in the lost brother's place; and Zoséphine? why, she shall be her daughter, the same as though 'Thanase, not he, had won her.

Up, bleeding old man bang! bang! Ha, ha, ora! that finishes ora! 'Twas the boy saved your life with that last shot, Sosthène, and the boy the youth is 'Thanase. He has not stopped to talk; he and his father are catching the horses of the dead and dying jayhawkers. Now bind up Sosthène's head, and now 'Thanase's hip. Now strip the dead beasts, and take the dead men's weapons, boots, and spurs.

Sosthène was just beyond the limit of age, and 'Thanase two years below it; but 'Thanase's father kept a horse saddled all the time, and slept indoors only on stormy nights. Do not be misled: he was neither deserter nor coward; else the nickname which had quite blotted out his real name would not have been Chaouache savage, Indian. He was needed at home, and it was not his war.

Day after day, in group after group, without shouting and without banners, with wounds and scars and tattered garments, some on horses, but many more on foot, the loved ones the spared ones, remnants of this command and that command and 'Thanase's command came home. But day by day brought no 'Thanase. Bonaventure began to wish for him anxiously.

A little after 'Thanase's enlistment the priest and the ex-governor, who, if I remember right, was home only transiently from camp, met on the court-house square of Vermilionville, and stood to chat a bit, while others contemplated from across the deep mud of the street these two interesting representatives of sword and gown.