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"Wa'al, thar's trouble-makin' sperits amongst both ther Doanes an' ther Harpers an' they seeks ter start all thet hell up a-bilin' ergin like ther devil's own cauldron.... Ef we've done maintained peace 'stid of war fer upwards of twenty y'ars hit's because old Caleb an' a few more like him hes been balancin' thet ladder till th'ar hearts was nigh ter bustin' with ther weight of hit.

"I seeks ter be a true Christian," he said, "an' I ought ter be down on my marrow-bones right now givin' praise an' thanksgivin' ter ther Blessed Lord, who's done held back ther tormints of tribulation, but " he broke off there and his voice trailed off into something like an internal sob "but yit hit seems ter me like es ef my three boys air sleepin' res'less an' oneasy-like in th'ar graves ternight."

"So they aimed ter lay-way me," she murmured incredulously and Halloway made prompt answer. "Yes, and ye mighty nigh walked right into th'ar dead-fall. Don't ye see now how plum reckless yore plan is? Whar was ye at anyhow?" The girl impatiently tossed her head. "I fared out a leetle way ter see how ther roads looked," she said.

"Hit wouldn't content me ef I wasn't facin' my enemy when I sottled with him an' hit's a private business but this other matter te'ches everybody. Hit denotes y'ars of blood-spillin' an' murder of women an' children sufferin' fer causes thet hain't no wise th'ar fault ner doin'."