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I have told the butler to look out for the key, and when he finds it he will let you out. You've only yourself to blame for being locked in, because we expected the baboon himself and couldn't trust you in his presence." It was now Lady Mary's turn to show confusion at the old termagant's talk, and she coloured as red as a sunset on the coast of Kerry.

Anything more?" inquired the captain. "Ho, yes; lots more. The Termagant's in this yere port at this yere moment." The latter part of this was said in a hoarse emphatic whisper, and the man raising up both legs to a horizontal position, let them fall so that his heels came with a crash upon the wooden floor. "Is she?" cried the captain, with lively interest; "and her captain?" "He's yere too!"

He reached the cabin, and his worst fears were realized. The nervous, voluble, irritable little woman, who with all of a termagant's energy governed both husband and family, had either become dissatisfied with young Crockett's poverty, or had formed the plan of some other more ambitious alliance for her daughter.

TERMAGANT OF SPAIN. Perhaps the most distracted of the Anti-Pragmatic subterfuges was that used by Spain, when the She-dragon or Termagant saw good to eat her Covenant; which was at a very early stage. The Termagant's poor Husband is a Bourbon, not a Hapsburg at all: "But has not he fallen heir to the Spanish Hapsburgs; become all one as they, an ALTER-EGO of the Spanish Hapsburgs?" asks she.

On grounds tragically silly, as he thought them. On the Dauphin's Wedding, a Termagant's Infanta coming hither as Dauphiness, at this time, there needed to be Court-shows, Dramaticules, Transparencies, Feasts of Lanterns, or I know not what. Alas, and the feat done was, to one of the parties, so unspeakably contemptible!

The woman displayed them, announcing in a loud, harsh voice: "I am his mother!" This mother was as unpleasant to behold as her son was the contrary, thought Wilhelmine. She was a stout, vulgar, clumsy creature, enveloped in a large shawl of many colours which did not hide her obesity. The old termagant's face seemed all paint and large gold-rimmed spectacles, and peering eyes.