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Between them the trio carried two large canvas bags, each bearing the imprint of the United States Treasury. Sherman halted just inside the door. "Forty thousand in gold, boys," he cried, "and plenty more where it came from. Turner, Lucas & Co. honors every draft." His face pressed eagerly against the lattice of the paying teller's cage stood a little Frenchman.

And when he was alone he got down the index volume of Professor Teller's Constitutional History, and after some search under the heading of "Petitions" found indeed that Charlotte was right, and that the power to send messages to Parliament for the remedying of abuses was still his own.

No great leader iv fi-nance has turned green to see wan iv thim thryin' to do th' leap f'r life through a closed payin' teller's window. Th' fellow that with wan whack iv a hammer can convart a steer into an autymobill or can mannyfacther a pearl necklace out iv two dollars' worth iv wurruk on a slag pile, has throubled no wan. Ye're th' boy in this imergency, Hinnissy.

"You're better off than we ... with our country branches. If anything goes wrong here, our agents will be blamed. There may be bloodshed even." He held out his hand and Sherman gripped it. "Good luck," the latter said, "we'll stand together, far as possible." As Sherman left the second counting house, he noted how the line had grown before the paying teller's window.

"He loves me he loves me not!" murmured Mr. Johnson sadly, plucking the petals from an imaginary daisy. The clerk sauntered to the teller's wicket and frowned upon his customer from under eyebrows arched and supercilious; he preserved a haughty silence. Before this official disapproval Peter's eyes wavered and fell, abashed.

Copeland, who glanced at him keenly as he passed his desk. Then, looking at his watch, he came out of his corral and turned the key in the bank door. "We'll have no more interruptions now," he said, as he paused at the teller's window. "You know the young man who just went out?" "Sam Carter of the Mercury. Old Billings no doubt sent him in to learn how we stand." "No, no, no.

"You're upset, Dryden," he said. "You know we couldn't do that " "On a teller's word against the cashier's of course not!" the young man broke in caustically. "Well, you see now, don't you?" "We couldn't do it then without proof," amended the bank examiner quietly. "Proof!" Dryden exclaimed. "My God proof! Who tipped your people off to have you drop in there this afternoon?

The teller's or cashier's counter faced the street opposite the entrance door. At the right was a glass-inclosed space of counter of the same height as that portion which was open, across which latter the business of paying and receiving was conducted. This person nodded in response to our friend's "Good morning," and anticipated his inquiry by saying: "You lookin' for Dave?"

On the forenoon of my wedding day, then, I sat as Edward Clayte in my teller's cage, the suitcase I had carried back and forth empty for so many Saturdays now loaded with currency and securities, not one of which was traceable, and whose amount I believed would run close to a million.

But he thought no more about it until weeks afterward, when he happened, one day, in the bank, to stand before Maurice, waiting his turn at the teller's window. He said, "Hello!" and Maurice said, "Hello!" and added that it was a cold day.