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It is always better to talk too little than too much. Never talk for mere talking's sake. Avoid being artificial or pedantic. Don't antagonize, dogmatize, moralize, attitudinize, nor criticise. Talk in poise, quietly, deliberately, sincerely, and you will never lack an attentive audience.

The three women stood and talked of the weather, talking for talking's sake as men smoke a pipe in the intervals of work. Presently Mrs Yabsley looked hard at Mrs Swadling, who was shading her head from the sun with her apron. "Wot's the matter with yer eye?" she said, abruptly. "Nuthin'," said Mrs Swadling, and coloured.

He never talks for talking's sake; but his mind is so well filled that, like a fountain which when stirred sends up from its bosom sparkling showers, his mind, when excited, sends forth thoughts no less bright than profound, revealing the treasures with which it is so richly stored. The conversation of Mr. Luttrell makes me think, while that of many others only amuses me.

If you get where you can conduct a case to a successful result you will never miss the 'gift o' the gab. Talking's the little end of the horn in my profession, despite tradition. "I asked for a reason, March," he went on. "What do you say to our forming a partnership?

Labour you will in my vessel, for your soul's health. And let me advise you not to talk; in your situation talking's temptation to lying. You'll do me the obligation to feed at my table. And when I hand you back to your parents, why, they'll thank me, if you won't. But it's not thanks I look for: it's my bounden Christian duty I look to. I reckon a couple o' stray lambs equal to one lost sheep.

"That's no reason why he shouldn't be a genius." "He's a Frenchman." "Haven't Frenchmen genius?" asked the girl. Carnac laughed. "Why, of course. Barode Barouche yes, he's a great one: he can think, he can write, and he can talk; and the talking's the best that he does though I've not heard him speak, but I've read his speeches." "Doesn't he make good laws at Ottawa?"

"Keep her at this for four or five hours. Then cut down until we can walk, so that we can eat and take another reading on distance. Remember that it will take as long to stop as it does to get up speed, and that we must be careful not to ram them. There would be nothing left of either car." "All right. Talking's too darn much work, I'll talk to you again when we ease down.

There is no greater affliction in modern life than the tiresome talker. He talks incessantly. Presumably he talks in his sleep. Talking is his constant exercise and recreation. He thrives on it. He lives for talking's sake. He would languish if he were deprived of it for a single day. His continuous practice in talking enables him easily to outdistance all ordinary competitors.

Patsy's tone sounded suspiciously sarcastic. "Well, talking's not walking; supposing ye take the staff in one hand and lean your other on me, and we'll see can we make it before this time to-morrow." They made it in another hour, unobserved by the few straggling players on the links. The stable proved all Patsy had anticipated.

Smith; 'and now I like to see any one, and especially any young fellow, understand that it's not necessary to talk for talking's sake, and that when you've nothing particular to say, it's better to be quiet and think, than than just to blither, as so many do.