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"A great talent what's simpler than that?" "One excellent thing, dear Biddy: no talent at all!" "Well, yours is so real you can't help it." "We shall see, we shall see," said Nick Dormer. "Let us go look at that big group." "We shall see if your talent's real?" Biddy went on as she accompanied him. "No; we shall see if, as you say, I can't help it.

"It's his nom de théâtre Basil Dashwood. Do you like it?" Mrs. Rooth wonderfully inquired. "You say that as Miriam might. Her talent's catching!" "She's always practising always saying things over and over to seize the tone. I've her voice in my ears. He wants her not to have any." "Not to have any what?" "Any nom de théâtre. He wants her to use her own; he likes it so much.

The poor, exiled, scorned and plundered oculist Nebenchari in Babylon sends thee this intelligence to Egypt. It is as true as his own hatred of thee. Listen to these words, Psamtik, and remember how on his dying bed thy father told thee that, for every drachm of pleasure purchased on earth by wrong-doing, the dying bed will be burdened by a talent's weight of remorse.

"When will the Sylva be back?" demanded Bors. Morgan automatically looked at his watch. Gwenlyn opened her mouth to speak. Morgan shook his head impatiently. Gwenlyn was silent. "My ship-arrival Talent's with the Sylva," said Morgan harassedly. "We sent him to Kandar to find out if the Mekinese fleet's coming there, and when. It isn't coming here. He said so."

One doesn't die of it save in soul and sense: one dies only of minding it. Therefore let no man despair a new hope has dawned." "She'll do her work like any other worker, with the advantage over many that her talent's rare," Peter obliquely answered. "Compared with the life of many women that's security and sanity of the highest order. Then she can't help her beauty. You can't vulgarise that."

"I don't believe it!" he said, staring at her. He said more loudly, "I don't believe it!" "Damnit," said Morgan indignantly. "She didn't believe it either! She said she'd come here because she was curious, nothing more. But that particular Talent's never missed yet! She just plain knows every time who " "Hush!" said Gwenlyn fiercely. "Goodbye." Bors moved toward her, not to shake hands.

TELL. Release me from this shot! Here is my heart! Summon your troopers let them strike me down! GESSLER. I do not want thy life, Tell, but the shot. Thy talent's universal! Nothing daunts thee! Thou canst direct the rudder like the bow! Storms fright not thee when there's a life at stake. Now, savior, help thyself, thou savest all!

I've lined up for a cash-in tree times, an' I'll make it four straight, sure. Larcen'll come home all alone; you see if he don't." "I hope so," rejoined Mortimer. "I say, Mister Morton, put down a bet on him he's good business; put a 'V' on, an' rake down fifty dat'll pay your ex's. De talent's goin' for De Dutchman, but don't make no mistake about de other, he'll win."

"No, suh," he was saying to them generally, "I'm goin' to withdraw my hoss, because thaih ain't nobody to ride him as he ought to be rode. I haven't brought a jockey along with me, so I've got to depend on pick-ups. Now, the talent's set agin my hoss, Black Boy, because he's been losin' regular, but that hoss has lost for the want of ridin', that's all."

"Your talent's so great that it's in everything you do, in what's less good as well as in what's best. You've some forty volumes to show for it forty volumes of wonderful life, of rare observation, of magnificent ability." "I'm very clever, of course I know that" but it was a thing, in fine, this author made nothing of.