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Le Moyne should have the benefit on, as he had given me my freedom and was under bond for my support. "Since de S'rrender, t'ough dere is plenty ob wuk nobody has any money. Mr. Le Moyne is just as bad off as anybody, an' has', to go in debt fer his supplies.

Our ot'er customers haf followed heem like sheep! Eet iss as t'ough we had lost our star!" "Your star?" "In t'e guide-book off Monsieur Karl," Pelletan explained. "Is that such a tragedy?" "I haf always t'ought it t'e fery worst t'at could happen," said Pelletan, "but t'is iss as pad." It was only by a supreme effort that Rushford managed to choke back the chuckle which rose in his throat.

"Indeet it was, t'ough; I mentioned it several times, and told them how long we had been on the roat, and how you trove, and how you had sold the sleigh and horses already, and a dozen other t'ings. Oh! we talket a great deal of you, Corny; that is, I dit, and the girls listened." "Was my name mentioned by either of the young ladies, Dirck, in direct terms?"

He whistled again as he read the message; then he called the nearest boy. "Tell Monsieur Pelletan to come here at once," he said. "Tell him I must speak to him on a matter of importance." At the end of a moment, the little man puffed down the stair, exhausted, radiant! "Iss eet not grand!" he cried. "What a change from yesterday! T'ough how you haf accomplishe' eet, monsieur "

He has frozen to deh fringe off dat Sugar crowd ess t'ough some von hat nipped 'is scarf-pin unt he vos layin' for him ass he game out. He hasn't made a trade to-tay unt yet he sticks like a stamp-tax. I ben keeping my eyes on him for I t'ought he hat someding up his sleeve dat might raise tust ven he tropt id. I dink Parry has hat deh same itear.