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"Now, please allow me to show you my coordinated brains in useful operation. Will you be seated again? You, too, Captain Carse." It was Ku Sui's show: there was nothing for the two men but to obey. But they felt, both of them, a great unnaturalness in being seated for the demonstration to come. "Thank you," the Eurasian said, and went to the panel flanking the case.

But he lay without an eyelash's flickering, a dead coolie, limp, crumpled. He heard the crunch of boots come right up to him and then pause; and the feeling that came to his stomach told him unmistakably that a man was looking down on him.... Now while Ku Sui's attention was on him now was the time! Now! Otherwise the Eurasian would turn him over and see that he was white!

The odds seemed all on his side yet there was Ku Sui's strange, almost imperceptible smile, his mysterious words up on the asteroid, his smooth, unruffled assurance! What did these things mean? He intended now to find out. He said, tersely: "Eliot. I have informed Dr.

Under Ku Sui's directions his cases of equipment were brought in and arrayed, and the various drills and delicate saws, and such other instruments as worked by electricity, were connected. Everything was sterilized.

Ku Sui's fingers were prodding Leithgow's head like that of any dumb animal chosen as subject for experimentation. Prodding.... Feeling.... "I can't stand it!" the Hawk whispered again. The mask on his face, that famous self-imposed mask that hid all emotion, had broken. Lines were there, deep with agony; tiny drops of sweat stood out all over.

He tested the controls, found them responsive, then pressed a button set apart from the others: and the huge port-lock door set in the farther wall of the hangar slid smoothly open, revealing a metal chamber similar to that of the ship port-lock on Ku Sui's asteroid. But whereas the chamber of the asteroid's port-lock was for vacuum-atmosphere, this was for water-atmosphere.

A strange light glimmered for an instant in Dr. Ku Sui's eyes a mocking of the slender man before him. Only for an instant; then it was gone. Gracefully he raised his tall figure. "The laboratory? Of course, my friend. And as for the favor almost anything." The Deadline

The design of asteroid and planets wavered into a blur as the Hawk fought unconsciousness; a short, harsh sound came from his lips; he lurched uncertainly. The negro crumpled up and stretched out on the deck. Carse's desire to sleep grew overpowering. Once more, as from a distance, he glimpsed Ku Sui's smile.

All this was in his conversations; but secret and unworded in his thoughts were anticipations of the old dear beauty of Earth, that beauty for which his ageing heart had pined so long.... And Earth was drawing nearer. Another week passed. Twice a day the door of Dr. Ku Sui's cabin was unlocked and he was brought out under guard for several turns through the ship.

Ku Sui's works, the very consummation of his mighty genius, his treasure-house of wisdom as profound as man then could know. And more: it held the consummation of all that was so coldly unhuman in the Eurasian.