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They ain't been no rest n'r hope f'r me, Marthy none. I ain't " "There, there, Tillie, don't talk so don't, dear! Try to think how bright it'll be over there " "I don't know nawthin' about over there; I'm talkin' about here. I ain't had no chance here, Marthy." "He will heal all your care " "He can't wipe out my sufferin's here." "Yes, He can, and He will.

"He liked you, too. No wonder, considerin' what you did to " "Belay! Never mind that. Poor chap! Well, he's rid of his sufferin's at last. Tell me about it, if you can without bringin' all the trouble back too plain." So she told him of her brother's sickness and death, of having to give up the old home, and, finally, of her acceptance of the housekeeper's position.

If they had kep' me up half a minute longer it would have bin all over: I a'most wished they had, for though I never was much troubled wi' the narves, I'm beginnin' now to have a little fellow-feelin' for the sufferin's o' the narvish." "Do you really mean, my dear fellow, that the monsters have been torturing you in this way?" asked Miles, with looks of sympathy.

Why, her sufferin's date back before she wuz born, and that's goin' pretty fur back. Her father and mother had some difficulty and he wuz took down with billerous colick, voylent four weeks before Serepta wuz born.

And, lastly, he orders a sick man to be flogged; laughs at the poor chap's sufferin's; and refuses to sarve out the necessaries to dress his wounds a'terwards. That, shipmates, is the charge I brings against Robert Arnold." "You hears the charge agin the prisoner, shipmates all?" observed Rogers, glancing round the table.

They ain't been no rest n'r hope f'r me, Marthy none. I ain't " "There, there! Tillie, don't talk so don't, dear. Try to think how bright it'll be over there " "I don't know nawthin' about over there; I'm talkin' about here. I ain't had no chance here, Marthy." "He will heal all your care " "He can't wipe out my sufferin's here." "Yes, He can, and He will.

And oh! my heart! wuz not my sufferin's with Lodema Trumble, a hard plow and a harrowin' one, and one that turned up deep furrows? But of this, more anon and bimeby. Wall, it wuz on the very next day on a Thursday as I remember well, for I wuz a-thinkin' why didn't Lodema's letter come the next day Fridays bein' considered onlucky and it being a day for punishments, hangin's, and so forth.

And then, to kinder get her mind off of her sufferin's, I asked her how her sister Susan wus a gettin' along. I hadn't heard from her for years she married Philemon Clapsaddle; and Dorlesky spoke out as bitter as a bitter walnut a green one. And says she, "She is in the poorhouse." "Why, Dorlesky Burpy!" says I. "What do you mean?" "I mean what I say.

"You read lots of novels about the sorrers of step-children, but I ain't never come up with no epic as yet portrayin' the sufferin's of a step-ma. If I had a talent like your husband's got, I'll be blest if I wouldn't do it. What I went through with them children aged me ten years in less 'n three. "It was like this," she prattled on.

Whilst! she uttered this fervent but sorrowful benediction, a hand was placed upon the head of each, after which she stooped and kissed them both, but without shedding a single tear. "Now," said she, "comes the mother's wakeness; but my son will help me by his manliness so will my daughter. I am very weak. Oh, what heart can know the sufferin's of this hour, but mine?