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"Out reefs, my hearties; fore and aft set t'-gallant-sails! stand by to give her the fore-top-mast stun'-sail!" But, Captain Rash, those sails of yours were much safer in the sail-maker's loft. For now, while the heedless craft is bounding over the billows, a black cloud rises out of the sea; the sun drops down from the sky; a horrible mist far and wide spreads over the water.

"With gentle hand, as seeming oft to pause, The purple curtains of the morn she draws." "Commodore Camoens, White-Jacket. But bear a hand there; we must rig out that stun'-sail boom the wind is shifting." From our lofty perch, of a moonlight night, the frigate itself was a glorious sight.

Here was a heap of gear stay-sail, and jib-halyards, and other ropes, some of the ends swarming overboard. I hauled in one of these ends, but found I could not clear the raffle; but looking round, I perceived a couple of coils of line spare stun'-sail tacks or halyards I took them to be lying close against the foot of the bowsprit.

But two days afterward, when we were hoisting the main-top-mast stun'-sail, and the Lieutenant of the Watch was reprimanding the crowd of seamen at the halyards for their laziness for the sail was but just crawling up to its place, owing to the languor of the men, induced by the heat the Captain, who had been impatiently walking the deck, suddenly stopped short, and darting his eyes among the seamen, suddenly fixed them, crying out, "You, Candy, and be damned to you, you don't pull an ounce, you blackguard!