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'Op whispers to me that Antonio was a Number One spy when 'e was in commission, and a French lootenant when 'e was paid off, so I navigated at three 'undred and ninety six revolutions to the galley, never 'avin' kicked a lootenant up to date. I may as well say that I did not manoeuvre against 'im as a Frenchman, because I like Frenchmen, but stric'ly on 'is rank an' ratin' in 'is own navy.

Tell me," he added, "where you found this." "It was not, stric'ly speakin', found," said Hunch with a modest cough. Once more, overwhelmed afresh by Carl's appearance, he let his good eye go roving. "Tell it," said Carl with what patience he could muster, "in your own way."

"Huh!" The holdup eyed him suspiciously. "Keep your hands stric'ly away from your pockets for a minute." He slapped them in quick succession. "No gun," said he, "and that's lucky for both of us, maybe. Business is business, partner, but I hate to set an old-timer afoot complete. Keep out about ten for smokes and grub." "Yours truly," responded the other.

"I forgot all about you," admitted Dorothy, "and if I hadn't, I'd prob'ly left you with Jellia Jamb, seeing this isn't a pleasure trip but stric'ly business. But now that you're here, Toto, I s'pose you'll have to stay with us, unless you'd rather go back again. We may get ourselves into trouble before we're done, Toto." "Never mind that," said Toto, wagging his tail. "I'm hungry, Dorothy."

Safe, if not stric'ly luxurious. But I git the Regular Hump when I think of of a Angel like 'Er 'avin' to live an' eat an' sleep in a a in a bloomin' rabbit-'ole." He sighed as he wiped the pungent froth from his upper lip. "Pity you can't tell 'er so!" The sarcasm would have its way, but it failed of his great simplicity. "That's why I bin lookin' out for you."

"Wa'al," said David, with a comical air of yielding as he took the glass and held it out to John, "under protest, stric'ly under protest sooner than have my clo'es torn. I shall tell Polly if I should happen to mention it that you threatened me with vi'lence. Wa'al, here's lookin' at ye," which toast was drunk with the solemnity which befitted it.

And now I got a unsolishited posish imposishible solishion solution unpolusion solishible you know what I mean. So kiss me!" Kedzie escaped the kiss, but she asked, with a sleepy eagerness, "Did you tell him you were married?" "Nashurly not, my dear. It was stric'ly business conv'sation.

Me and Jedge Mahch" he began to swell "has had a stric'ly private disparitude on the subjec' o' extry wages, account'n o' his disinterpretations o' my plans an' his ign'ance o' de law." He tilted his face and gave himself an argumentative frown of matchless insolence. "You see, my deah seh "

It suit him faw a reason known on'y to yo's truly, yit which the said yo's truly would accede to transfawm to you, seh; yass, seh; in considerations o' us goin' in cahoots, aw else a call loan, an' yit mo' stric'ly a call-ag'in loan, a sawt o' continial fee, yass, seh; an' the on'y question, now much kin you make it?"

"I forgot all about you," admitted Dorothy, "and if I hadn't I'd prob'ly left you with Jellia Jamb, seeing this isn't a pleasure trip but stric'ly business. But, now that you're here, Toto, I s'pose you'll have to stay with us, unless you'd rather go back home again. We may get ourselves into trouble, before we're done, Toto." "Never mind that," said Toto, wagging his tail. "I'm hungry, Dorothy."