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When on Saturdays the streets were filled with people, he stood on the corners giving gratuitous performances of his magical art with cards and coins, and eyeing country girls in the crowd. Once, a woman, the town stationer's wife, shouted at him, calling him a lazy lout, whereupon he threw a coin in the air, and when it did not come down rushed toward her shouting, "She has it in her stocking."

As a drawback to this, the bills at the printer's and at the stationer's had become very heavy, and Robinson was afraid to disclose their amount to his senior partner. But nevertheless he persevered. "Faint heart never won fair lady," he repeated to himself, over and over again, the fair lady for whom his heart sighed being at this time Commercial Success. Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum.

His dingy white collar and cravat had died the death of old linen, and had gone to their long home at the paper-maker's, to live again one day in quires at a stationer's shop. A gray shooting-jacket in the last stage of woolen atrophy replaced the black frockcoat of former times, and, like a faithful servant, kept the dark secret of its master's linen from the eyes of a prying world.

"I'll walk along with you," he said. "Why?" I asked. "For the pleasure of your society." I did not answer, and he walked by my side silently. We continued thus for perhaps a quarter of a mile. I began to feel a little ridiculous. At last we passed a stationer's, and it occurred to me that I might as well buy some paper. It would be an excuse to be rid of him. "I'm going in here," I said.

'The present fashion of photographs staring out of every stationer's window makes a man's face public property, he told Mary. 'I don't want every street Arab in London to recognise me. 'But you are not a public man, said Mary. 'Your photograph would not be in all the windows; although, in my humble opinion, you are a very handsome man.

He used, straight through, a sort of generalized manner I might have been anywhere between twenty and sixty-five." They were now in front of the stationer's show-window, and there were few people in the quiet thoroughfare to jostle them. Medora smiled. "How clever; how charming!" she said. "Leaving you altogether free to pick your own age. I hope you didn't go beyond thirty-five.

Having thus obtained the consent of her husband, who considered her so much his superior as to be infallible, my mother, after much cogitation, resolved that she would embark her capital in a circulating library and stationer's shop; for she argued that selling paper, pens, and sealing-wax was a commerce which would secure to her customers of the better class.

That would end it." And she sent her servant to the stationer's to stop the papers for fear lest she should see his name in the lists. But Lawrence spared her. He was wounded in his first engagement, and died of his wounds in a hospital at Dunkirk. The Red Cross woman who nursed him wrote to Vera an hour before he died. She gave details and a message. I'm writing now from his dictation.

"What is the matter with you? Laziness?" "Something like that." Alzugaray ate alone, and after he had had coffee, he directed his steps to the bookstore of the Republican councilman, of whom Caesar had spoken to him. He found it in a corner of the Square; and it was at the same time a stationer's shop and a newsdealer's. Behind the counter were an old man and a lad. Alzugaray went in.

We might do something substantial for him set him up in a nice little shop at Petersfield, perhaps a stationer's, or, with a glance at the rack of pipes, 'a tobacconist's. 'My Jack keeping a shop! my Jack behind a counter! cried Vernon: 'if you knew anything about him you would never talk of such a thing.