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"Well," said Major Monkey, "it was a good one; but it was too fast. If I started to travel south on old dog Spot's back I'd reach my journey's end before you had gone half way." "Dear me!" said Jolly Robin. "Then we can't travel together after all." A Sweet Tooth After his ride on old dog Spot, Major Monkey went to the henhouse for eggs even oftener than he had gone before.

Them Tolmans has a high-handed way to 'em that some won't stand fer," remarked Matt as he began to remove the racing harness from the hooks and place it on the floor beside the tow-line, which was stretched out in the middle of the Kennel. Dan, Ben and George had been considering the predicament gravely as George bestowed even more than his usual attention upon Spot's appearance.

I reckon by now he's over at the Circle Bar laffin' hisself to sleep over the mean way I treated him. You just ast him when you see him." A flicker of doubt came into Norton's eyes Ten Spot's words had the ring of truth. "You went down there to shoot him!" he said coldly, still unconvinced. "Mebbe I did," returned Ten Spot. "Howsomever, I didn't.

That same night she returned to the yard before Spot's weary limbs could bring him back and killed another hen and brought it to Tip, and stretched her panting length beside him that he might quench his thirst. For she seemed to think he had no food but what she brought. It was that hen that betrayed to my uncle the nightly visits.

"When you 've set in one spot's long's I hev, p'raps you'll hev the use o' your faculties! Men folks has more 'n one way o' gettin' married, 'specially when they 're ashamed of it. ... Well, I vow, there's the little Hobson girls comin' out o' the door this minute, 'n' they 're all dressed up, and Mote don't seem to be with 'em."

Just in the thick of it, when the Stewart went out, rumbling and roaring, we sighted Spot out in the middle. He'd got caught as he was trying to cross up above somewhere. Steve and I yelled and shouted and ran up and down the bank, tossing our hats in the air. Sometimes we'd stop and hug each other, we were that boisterous, for we saw Spot's finish. He didn't have a chance in a million.

As he came near he heard sounds of revelry issuing from the open door and he smiled coldly. A flashing glance through the window showed him that Ten Spot was there, standing at the bar. In the next instant Norton was inside, confronting Ten Spot, his big six-shooter out and shoved viciously against Ten Spot's stomach. "What have you done with Hollis, you mangy son-of-a-gun?" he demanded.

Ten Spot's mouth had been open at the instant and the snapping of his teeth from the impact of the blow no doubt had much to do with his long period of unconsciousness. He stirred presently and then with an effort sat up and looked at his conqueror with a glance of puzzled wonderment.

They had gotten off so many times before that they were perfectly confident of their power in this case to cajole the judge. But to their surprise he was all sternness and severity. "'Now look here, he said, after expatiating on the cruel treatment which the dog had received. 'I want to know which one of you tied the can to Spot's tail? "Robert Vaughan looked at Ben, and Ben looked back at him.

"I think that will do for him," Figs said, as his opponent dropped as neatly on the green as I have seen Jack Spot's ball plump into the pocket at billiards; and the fact is, when time was called, Mr. Reginald Cuff was not able, or did not choose, to stand up again.