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"The spinnin'-wheels she brung from No'th Carliny," enumerated Medora, "the loom an' the candle-moulds." "The cheers his dad made fur his mam whenst they begun housekeeping" said Jane Gilhooley's muffled voice. "The press an' the safe," Medora continued. "The pot an' the oven," chokingly responded the apron. "The churn an' the piggins!" "The skillet an' the trivet!"

You know he didn't like changes." "Blue spread on the west room bed?" "Yes." "Spinnin'-wheels out in the shed chamber, where his gran'mother Hooper kep' 'em?" "Yes." "Say, 'Melia, do you s'pose that little still's up attic he used to have such a royal good time with, makin' essences?" Amelia's eyes filled suddenly with hot, unmanageable tears. "Yes," she said; "we used it only two summers ago.

You know he didn't like changes." "Blue spread on the west room bed?" "Yes." "Spinnin'-wheels out in the shed chamber, where his gran'mother Hooper kep' 'em?" "Yes." "Say, 'Melia, do you s'pose that little still's up attic he used to have such a royal good time with, makin' essences?" Amelia's eyes filled suddenly with hot, unmanageable tears. "Yes;" she said; "we used it only two summers ago.

Shoo were a patteren wife, and sooin fowks began to say to one another: 'I've bin reight thrang to-day; I've bin well-nigh as thrang as Throp's wife. So 'thrang as Throp's wife' gat to be a regular nominy, an' other fowks took to followin' her example; it were fair smittlin'! They bowt theirsens spinnin'-wheels, an' gat agate o' spinnin', while there were all nations o' stockins turned out i' Cohen-eead an' Cornshaw, enough for a whole army o' sodgers.