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If I was you I'd a durned sight ruther have a Christmas dinner in hand than a house an' wife in the bush. `I ain't thinkin' o' marryin' a girl in Australier, says I. An' Andy he grinned, an' said I wouldn't marry nobody if I had to live on sp'iled vittles till I got her.

"While holdin' Cherokee's views erroneous, so far as he seeks to apply 'em to paupers tankin' up on donations, still I allows it's dealin' faro which has sp'iled him; an' as you can't make no gent over new, I quits an' don't buck his notions about dispensin' charity no more.

Wal, uv course, my looks wuz sp'iled, fur I'd been ez pretty'z Emerline wuz, you wuz pretty once, Emerline, an' I sent 'Miah Kemp word I'd hev no more ter du 'ith him nor any one else neow. 'Miah, he come ter see me; but I wuz detarmined, an' I stuck ter my word.

His heart was too near bursting with pride at his appearance and joy over his return for his mind to work intelligently. "Dem Yankees ain't sp'iled ye; no, dey ain't. Gor-a-mighty, ain't Malachi glad." Tears were standing in his eyes now. There was no one but Richard he loved better than Oliver.

"It's like this," said Charlie, appealing to everyone except Hoopdriver. "Here's me, got to take in her ladyship's dinner to-morrow night. How should I look with a black eye? And going round with the carriage with a split lip?" "If you don't want your face sp'iled, Charlie, why don't you keep your mouth shut?" said the person in gaiters. "Exactly," said Mr.

I loved her long afore Adoniah come along and sp'iled it. He was smarter than me, and went to school. He was real bright and handsome. It wa'n't that Clemmie loved him, but she didn't know the difference. And I know right well he didn't love her. He had took a spite against me because I was left the home place, and he took it out on me by stealing my girl.

Dick alone still held his Bible, and looked around him as he went, with fearful glances; but he found no sympathy, and Silver even joked him on his precautions. "I told you," said he "I told you you had sp'iled your Bible. If it ain't no good to swear by, what do you suppose a sperrit would give for it? Not that!" and he snapped his big fingers, halting a moment on his crutch.

Still, she did not hesitate about beginning the skirmish, for her tongue was already a bit loosened. "Wot's dis yer, Mrs. Kinzer, 'bout sendin' away my Dick to a furrin 'cad'my? Isn't he most nigh nuff sp'iled a'ready?" "Oh, it's all arranged, nicely. Miss Foster and I only came over to see what we could do about getting his clothes ready.

You talk all right, but the fust thing we know we'll be druv out o' house an' home an' all our crops sp'iled." "You should have them in by this time. Who told you that your farms would be ruined?" "Well, we was told, anyhow, an' we warn ye that if any damage is done to our farms or crops ye'll have ter suffer fer it.

If we could have pumped the water out of the hold we could have got at any part of the cargo we wanted, but as it was, we couldn't even reach the ship's stores, which, of course, must have been mostly sp'iled anyway, whereas the canned vittles was just as good as new.