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"I did not mean that it was meant for him; what I mean is, do you see any sign of family likeness? Any resemblance about the eyes, or mouth, or forehead?" "Well, now, I don't know but what I might," replied Master Withypool, gazing very hard; "if I was to look at 'un long enough, a' might find some'at favoring of that tall fellow, I do believe.

You must come arter six, and I hope he's to have some'at for his trouble. He won't have my word to vote unless he have some'at." Such is the conversation in which the candidate takes a part, while his cortege at the door is criticising his very imperfect mode of securing Mrs. Bubbs' good wishes. Then he goes on to the next house, and the same thing with some variation is endured again.

So I says I'm your side, messmate Jemmy, and my name's gold." There was a low murmur here, and Jem spoke again: "Anyone else got a word to say?" "Yes, I have," said a fresh voice. "I'm with you, Jemmy, my lad, and there's my hand on it; but there's some'at in the way." "What's that?" growled Jem. "What about the Yankee chap as found the gold, and Sir Humphrey and Master Brace?"

"Why, Dale!" cried Mr Brymer, hurrying up from where he had been forward examining the hose left by the mutineers after their feeble attempt to extinguish the fire, "did the fumes attack you?" "Yes," I said faintly, as I pressed my hands over my forehead; "I suppose it was that." "Some'at queer burning below, sir," growled Bob Hampton.

"Tom Fenton would have done it, I shouldn't wonder." "As if it would have mattered to Tom Fenton, with his great red hands! They couldn't be no rougher than they are, if he chopped wood while Christmas. Besides, it's his trade wood-chopping is. Mr Featherstone's some'at better nor a carpenter." "They're honest hands, if they are red, Jenny." "And he's a cast in his eyes." "Scarcely.

Mind, you'll be peaceable?" "Ay ay! Some'at to eat; give us some'at to eat." John Halifax called out to Jael; bade her bring all the food of every kind that there was in the house, and give it to him out of the parlour-window. She obeyed I marvel now to think of it but she implicitly obeyed.

And the other three escaped mutineers expressed a like opinion. "And what was the general trend of the direction which you took when you followed the savages?" asked I. "Why," answered Higgins, instantly catching my meaning, "it was westerly, sir; wasn't it, Mike? Don't ye remember that the run of the creek itself was some'at down-stream?

Because if I only knowed that, I could make my plugs to fit the holes. Then the next thing I thought was that prob'ly they wouldn't remember to bring a tool aboard with 'em, and that they'd hunt for some'at of the sort aboard here.

And then when Abe saw the first burst of feeling on his wife's part was giving way, he went on to make good his position: "Thaa knows I mun do some'at, and there is nowt else I can see to turn to, and it 'll keep us going till I can get back to my own wark; we mu'nt be praad in these times, thaa knows.

Besides, my society accomplishments war neglected some'at when I war young, and I would rather break y'r heart, Miss, by declinin' ter go, than hev it broke by my arkerdness 'mong y'r friends." But he told Sedgwick where he was stopping in London, and it was agreed that on the return of the party to the great city they should see more of each other.