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'Not that the things themselves are rich or rare, The wonder's how the devil they got there' in a word, how came the papers to be in that room? 'These must be Soane's rooms, he muttered at last, looking about him. 'And yet that's a woman's cloak. And that old cowskin bag is not Sir George's. It is odd. Ah! What is this?

Then his gaze, sinking instinctively, fell on a low bed between him and the woman; and there rested on a white sheet, and on the solemn outlines so certain in their rigidity, so unmistakable by human eyes of a body laid out for burial. To be brought up short in an amorous quest by such a sight as that was a shock alike to Soane's better nature and his worse dignity.

Addington was clear-sighted enough to fear that his friend had gone after the lawyer, and, as soon as he decently could, he went himself in pursuit. He was relieved to find Sir George alone, pacing the floor of the room they shared. The physician took care to hide his real motive and his distrust of Soane's discretion under a show of heartiness.

He liked Sir George; his smaller manhood went out in admiration to the other's splendid personality. On the other hand, he had viewed Soane's approaches to his client with misgiving. He had scented a trap here and a bait there, and a dozen times, while dwelling on Dr. Addington's postponements and delays, he had accused the two of collusion and of some deep-laid chicanery.

'But your lordship is versed in Sir George Soane's affairs, and knows that he must now go to his wife almost empty-handed. In these circumstances it has occurred rather to his friends than to himself, and indeed I speak against his will and by sufferance only, that that, in a word, my lord Lord Chatham lowered his hand as Dr. Addington paused.

Thomasson, not a little embarrassed. Soane's eyes twinkled as he returned the viscountess's glance. But he bowed profoundly, and with a sweep of his hat that made the rustics stare. 'Your ladyship's most humble servant, he said. 'Allow me to hope that Mr. Dunborough is perfectly recovered. Believe me, I greatly regretted his mischance.

They divided the unfortunates in gangs, and supervised the issue of dates on which they were fed. Such as were physically able were employed in cleaning the town. The Kurds are a fine, self-respecting race and it was easy to understand Soane's enthusiasm for them. In Baghdad you lived either in the cellars or on the housetops. The former were called serdabs.

Sir John Soane's Museum, Lincoln's Inn Fields. "Ah, but I remember that! A nice little easy museum in a private house, and all sorts of pretty things to see. My dear love, trust your old Teresa. Come to Soane!" In ten minutes more they were dressed, and on the steps of the hotel. The bright sunlight, the pleasant air, invited them to walk.

From this reflection, however, he was roused by a new sally on Soane's part. 'But, crib me! you are very fine to-night, Mr. Thomasson, he said, staring about him afresh. 'Ten o'clock, and you are lighted as for a drum! What is afoot? The tutor smirked and rubbed his hands. 'Well, I I was expecting a visitor, Sir George. 'Ah, you dog! She is not here, but you are expecting her. Mr.

Soane's eyes returned to the main road; he expected to hear her laugh, and see her emerge at his elbow. But the length of the highway lay empty before, and empty behind; and all was silent. He began to look blank. A solitary house, which had been an inn, but was now unoccupied, stood in the angle formed by Manton Lane and the road; he scrutinised it.