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So we got up a poster and had it printed, telling what they all think of the G.&M." he paused, and his eyes twinkled "I wouldn't mind handing one to that Superintendent just for the fun of seeing him when he read it. It told the farmers to come around to Sloan's lumber yard with their wagons." "And you carried it across in the wagons?" "I guess we did." "Isn't it a good ways?"

She failed to notice the gravity of his face, for he surmised how Sloan's answer must have affected the owner of the Rattler, who strode mercilessly over all obstacles and men, but now had come to one which he could not surmount.

He took the slip of paper cautiously, as if it were dangerous in itself, and then called back the operator as the latter reached the door. "Come back a minute. Sloan, you're a good boy a very good boy. Faithful, intelligent; you know your business. H-m! Here here's a five spot" he slipped the money into Sloan's hand "and you shall have more when we touch port.

For an instant he struggled, but those mighty arms gathered him as easily as a woman lifts a stubborn child, and he was carried into the wireless house and placed on Sloan's bunk. As soon as he discovered that he was helpless in their hands, he ceased struggling and lay without a motion while they tore away his coat and shirt and Kate started to dress the deep, ugly wound.

However, somebody was up in the picturesque place. A small trail of smoke could be seen hovering above its single chimney, and promptly upon Mr. Sloan's approach, a rear door swung back and an old man showed himself, but with no hospitable intent. On the contrary, he motioned the intruder back, and shouting out some very decided words, resolutely banged the door shut. Mr.

If you don't get any word from her you'll never know whether she got it or not, and then you won't know whether to meet her at Sloan's or Maitland," said Mother, with a worried pucker on her forehead. "Sure!" said Father, taking down the receiver. "I can do that." "It's just wonderful, Seth, how much you know about little important things like that!" sighed Mother, when the telegram was sent.

Illustrated from Drawings by F.O.C. Darley. New York. W.A. Townsend & Co. crown 8vo. pp. 523. $1.50. The Life of Martin Luther. By Chevalier Bunsen. New York. Delisser & Proctor. 32mo. pp. 250. 50 cts. Sloan's Constructive Architecture; a Guide to the Practical Builder and Mechanic, etc., etc. By Samuel Sloan, Architect. Philadelphia. J.B. Lippincott & Co. 4to. pp. 147. $4.50. A Bachelor's Story.

But in contending for the birthright of freedom, we have learned to feel for the bondage of others, and in the libations we offer to the goddess of liberty, we contemplate an emancipation of the slaves of this country, as honorable to themselves as it will be glorious to us." In the debate in Congress, Jan. 20, 1806, on Mr. Sloan's motion to lay a tax on the importation of slaves, Mr.

"On whose authority, may I ask?" questioned Dick, without thought of giving offense, but rather as a means of explaining his position. "Sloan's. Why, you don't think I'm watching it because I want it, do you, young man? The old watchman threw up his job. I had Sloan's address, and wrote him about it. Sloan wrote and asked me to get a man to look after it, and I did.

"Now, I think we better go right to bed, for I've got to get to baking early in the morning. I want to have bread and pies and doughnuts fresh when she comes." It was while they were eating breakfast that the answer came: Telegram received. Will come to Sloan's Station. Having comfortable journey.