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Lady Knollys, starting up, raised her head, so as to see over Mr. Sleigh's shoulder, and biting her pale lip, she cleared her voice and demanded 'Doctor Bryerly, pray, sir, is the reading concluded? 'Concluded? Quite. Yes, nothing more, he answered with a nod, and continued his talk with Mr. Danvers and Abel Grimston.

At last he leaned forward, and, laying hold of the rail of the incurved dashboard, he climbed laboriously out on to the setting of the sleigh's tongue. The flying end of one of the reins was waving annoyingly beyond his reach. He ventured out further, still holding to the dashboard, which swayed and bent under the unaccustomed weight.

Yes, bring the shawl; you'll need it t' keep the snow off your face," he called, authoritatively. "'Tain't snowin', is it?" she asked as she shut the door and came to the sleigh's side. "Clear as a bell," he said as he helped her in. "Then where'll the snow come from?" "From Marc's heels." "Goodness sakes! you don't expect me t' ride after that wild-headed critter, do you?"

These bells are worn round the horse's neck and on the harness, to give warning of the sleigh's approach, which otherwise would not be heard over the smooth road. The glassy way was crowded with skaters, gliding past with graceful ease and folded arms, "as though they trod on tented ground." We soon reached our destination, and found assembled a large and joyous party.

Perhaps Sergius, and even the old man, had had a glimpse of wonderful happiness in the sleigh's swift flight over the snow. The former called back: "Never mind!" and again whirled wildly down from the old Cathedral to the Volga, where the boats and steamers plied amid the deep-blue, massive ice-floes, so sparkling and luminous in their snowy raiment.

Ye can't just say how things have gone with him. Maybe he's struck a 'dump' and his sleigh's got smashed up. There's some tidy drifts to come through, and it's dead easy to get dumped in 'em. Peter and Andy here have volunteered to go with me." "That's real sensible of you, Tim," replied Mrs. Malling, with an air of relief. She felt quite convinced that an accident had happened.

Turner always stayed with us, and we promised to do the honors of the town to any gentleman he might send to supply his place." "Of course we did; and mother is probably freezing her blessed nose off watching for us; so don't disappoint her, Bopp. It's all settled, the sleigh's at the door, and here's your coat; so, come on!"

Leon continued: "I cannot rid myself of the impression that somewhere I have met you before." "Indeed," said Ada, "when and where?" But his reply was prevented by the sleigh's stopping at Mrs. Harcourt's door. As St. Leon bade Ada good night he whispered, "I shall see you again."

"Thought-runes shalt thou deal with If thou wilt be of all men Fairest-souled wight, and wisest, These areded These first cut These first took to heart high Hropt. "On the shield were they scored That stands before the shining God, On Early-waking's ear, On All-knowing's hoof, On the wheel which runneth Under Rognir's chariot; On Sleipnir's jaw-teeth, On the sleigh's traces.