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You have only to invert the letter V to have an image of the Slasher's legs from foot to knee. His feet were strangers to each other; but his knees were inseparable friends, and hugged each other in a perpetual intimacy.

But there is no wolf so strong but he may find another to make wolves' meat of him; and Tom Sayers, who had fought his first fight so tradition tells on the canal bank within a mile of the Slasher's public-house, sent in his challenge, and poor old Tipton's colours were lowered for once and for ever.

I believe the Slasher's mother was born in Connaught, and nothing will convince me but that Deerfoot came from Tipperary east and west the world's full of them they swarm, I'm told, in America, and I can answer for them in Europe. Did ye ever see a Turk in a vineyard?

Determined in any other manner to satisfy the wishes of the Slasher, he sent for him for the last time, and told him that he expected a new service from his attachment. At these words, the Slasher's face brightened, but it soon became clouded when he learned that not; only must he not follow the prince to Germany, but that it was necessary for him to leave the hotel that very day.

"Wait for me here," said the keeper to the Slasher; "I am going to learn what the governor decides to do with the Skeleton, and I will return directly for you. There is our young man quite recovered; he wishes to thank you, and he has reason too, for without you all had been finished for him." The keeper retired. Slasher's features were radiant with delight.

They felt chilled as by the breath of a death's-head. They did not exchange a word. Only, M. Gillenormand said in a low voice and as though speaking to himself: "It is the slasher's handwriting." The aunt examined the paper, turned it about in all directions, then put it back in its case.

He it was who trained my youthful hands to guard my youthful head; and I have a foolish stupid pride and pleasure in the memory of that fact The Worcester and Birmingham Canal divides the parishes of Smethwick and West Bromwich, and the Slasher's house was the last on the right-hand side a shabby, seedy place enough, smoke-encrusted on the outside and mean within, but a temple of splendour all the same to the young imagination.