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The people has heart to work wid a gintleman that won't grind thim; an' so sign's on it, every one thrives upon his land: an' dang my bones, but I believe a rotten stick 'ud grow on it, set in case it was thried."

Then Mary Sam wrote me the impudentest letter I ever got; and she came right back, and stayed two months instead of one, just to be mean. But that sign's done good service since. I've scared off agents and tramps by the score. I always hang it in the parlor window when I'm away from home." "But suppose your house caught fire while you were away?"

"And so sign's an it," observed another; "he could confess more in a day that Father Con could in a week." "But for all that," observed Andy Lalor, "it's still best to go to the man that puts the questions, you persave, and that won't let the turning of a straw escape him.

"Ah, Misther Burke," replied Peety, in a tone of gratitude peculiar to his class, "you're the ould* man still ever an' always the large heart an' lavish hand an' so sign's on it full an' plinty upon an' about you an' may it ever be so wid you an' yours, a chierna, I pray. An how is the misthress, sir?" * That is to say, the same man still.

Why, I've often known skulls to be broken, and the people to die afterwards, and there would be nothing more about it, except to brake another skull or two for it; but neither crowner's quest, nor judge, nor jury, was ever troubled at all about it. And so sign's on it, people were then innocent, and not up to law and counsellors as they are now.

I only bought into the business a while ago, and the new sign's not ready yit. Me name is O'Shaughnessy, sor. "'What? says I. And then: 'WHAT? "'O'Shaughnessy. Michael O'Shaughnessy. "'Hold on! I sung out. 'For the land sakes, hold on! WHAT'S your name? "He bristled up like a cat. "'Michael O'Shaughnessy, he roars, like the bull of Bashan. 'D'yez find any fault with it?

He folded his arms upon his breast, and in a sing-song voice, curiously unlike any other I had ever heard, answered parrotlike: "This is the word of the master: Take to the fair-haired lady the broken coin, my sign, and she will remember her word to me. Verily, for the sign's sake, she will follow without fear." "The master is not ill, then?" "In his body he is well.

"When I was a Brine-Oge,"* said Shane, "I was as wild as an unbroken cowlt no divilment was too hard for me; and so sign's on it, for there wasn't a piece of mischief done in the parish, but was laid at my door and the dear knows I had enough of my own to answer for, let alone to be set down for that of other people; but, any way, there was many a thing done in my name, when I knew neither act nor part about it.

Potentiality is something which each half of reality reproaches the other with; things are potential to feeling because they are not life, and feelings are potential to science because they elude definition. To understand, therefore, is to know what to do and what to say in the sign's presence; and this practical knowledge is far deeper than any echo casually awakened in fancy at the same time.

I'm Art Maguire; one of the great Maguires of Fermanagh! Think of the blood of the Maguires, and stand a glass. Barney Scaddhan won't trust me now; although many a pound and penny of good money I left him." "Ay," the person accosted would reply, "an' so sign's on you; you would be a different man to-day, had you visited Barney Scaddhan's seldomer, or kept out of it altogether."