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"But, father, you told him if he married her he was never to have the farm that you'd leave it to Sid, that he was to get right off the day he married her." "An' Sid'll get it bet yer life he will fer I ain't got no son no more. A sneakin' hulk that leaves me with my wheat standin' an' goes over to help that Methodist of a Willson is no son of mine.

The broken glass, rain-soaked paper caps, sticks, boards, and dead grass had been carefully assembled in conical heaps near the railroad fence, and he beamed his approval. "It's going to be peachy, Silvey," he broke out. "Yes, and Sid'll say he did it," his chum commented bitterly. "What do we care? We'll put the home plate here," he indicated a spot some fifty feet north of the dairy buildings.

"You fellas wait," said Haney angrily to Joe and the rest. "There's a storeroom out back. Sid'll let us use it." But the Chief pushed back his chair. "Uh-uh," he said, shaking his head. "We're watchin' this." Haney spoke with elaborate courtesy: "You mind, Braun? Want to get some friends of yours, too?" "I got no friends," said Braun. "Let's go."

Sid'll be a-peggin' out airter a while, s' I, 'an' ef the new chap's ez purty ez I hear tell, maybe I'll set my cap fer 'im, s' I." At this fat Mrs. Puritha Hightower was compelled to lean on frail Mrs. Puss Poteet, so heartily did she laugh. "I declar'," she exclaimed, "ef Sue hain't a sight! I'm mighty nigh outdone.