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"Which o' your ears is burning?" "Both." "Then it shu'd be the left ear only. Old Zeb, here " "Hush 'ee now, Prudy!" implored the crowder. " Old Zeb here," continued Prudy, relentlessly, "was only a-sayin', as you walked in, that he'd read you the Riot Act afore you was many days older. He's mighty fierce wi' your goin's on, I 'sure 'ee." "Is that so, Mr. Minards?" Mr.

Kathleen an' me was already engaged, but when old man Galloway heard of it, he told me the jig was up an' no such double-barrel idiot as I was shu'd ever leave any of my colts in the Galloway paddock that when he looked over his gran'-chillun's pedigree he didn't wanter see all of 'em crossin' back to the same damned fool! Oh, he was nasty.

"Because, sense he didn't kill the gal, why shu'd he keer 'bout gittin' someone else in the limbo. Partner, you ain't sharp." "I may not be. Of course Andrew didn't kill the girl, but he knows who did, and " "Does he? Then somebody's peached." "Not necessary. Andy Barkswell's not a fool, Mr. Jounce." "No?" The look on the tramp's face was comical in the extreme.

"He's wit' himself, as a master-mechanic shu'd be," said Callahan. "So's M'Tosh. But nayther wan n'r t'other av thim'll take a thrain out whin the strike's on. They're both Loring min." At the mention of Loring's name Griggs looked up from the stick he was whittling. "No prospects o' the Boston folks getting the road back again, I reckon," he remarked tentatively.

I 'clare Miss Elsie, an' Miss Lucy, dose dirty niggahs make sich a muss in yere, dere aint a char fit for you to set down in," she continued, hastily cleaning two, and wiping them with her apron. "I'se glad to see you, ladies, but ef I'd knowed you was a-comin' dis kitchen shu'd had a cleanin' up fo' shuah."

Year in an' year out the farmer will plant an' work his crop in spite of failure, hopin' every year to hit it the nex' time. Would a merchant or manufacturer or anybody else do that? No, they'd make an assignment the second year of failure. But not so with the farmer, and it shows God intended he shu'd keep at it.