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But after an impartial view of the merits and demerits of both governments, it may be said that the people of Djidda have certainly gained by the Osmanlys; yet, strange to mention, not an Arab could be found, whether rich or poor, sincerely attached to his new masters; and the termination of the sherif's government was universally regretted.

There is a small spring which oozes from under the rocks behind the great palace of the Sherif, called Beit el Sad; it is said to afford the best water in this country, but the supply is very scanty. The spring is inclosed, and appropriated wholly to the Sherif's family.

They afterwards tried the same experiment with Mohammed Aly Pasha; but received only blows on the back from his officers, in return for their compliments. Among the curiosities which attracted the notice of the crowd, was a curricle belonging to the wife of Mohammed Aly, which stood in the gateway of the Sherif's house.

In the adjacent plain, which was formerly the place of exercise for the Sherif's troops, I found a herd of camels, with the encampment of their drivers, who make a journey weekly to Djidda or Tayf. Here also many poor hadjys, who could not pay for lodgings, had erected their miserable tents, formed of a few rags spread upon sticks.

It was partly consumed by the Bedouins, who came to Mekka upon business, and who were in the habit of repairing to the Sherif's house, to claim his hospitality, just as they would alight at the tent of a Sheikh in an encampment in the Desert.

The sheriff is out with about ten men, lookin' fer him." "Then there is no use of our going to the sherif's office," said Dick to his brothers "We'll go right to the jail." "Will they let us in?" asked Sam. "In the office, yes. We won't want to go to the cells," answered Dick, with a short laugh.

The greater part of them fled after the Sherif's capture; and the huts now form barracks for about two hundred Arab soldiers, in the service of his successor, Sherif Yahya.

"I hear and obey," answered I and betook myself to the Sherif's house. As soon as I entered the bridechamber, I looked for the cabinet and found it even as the ape had described it. Then I went in to the bride and marvelled at her beauty and grace and symmetry, for indeed they were such as no tongue can set forth.

He is acknowledged by the Sherifs as sovereign, except in Mecca; and he appoints to all the principal offices of State, including the supreme office of the Grand Sherifate itself. He is represented by a Pasha who resides alternately at Jeddah and Taïf according to the season, but who has not the right of entering Mecca without the Grand Sherif's leave, or of sending troops there.

The powerful tribe of Djeheyne was not to be trifled with by the Sherif; and whenever a man of Yembo was unjustly persecuted, he flew to his relations in the Desert, who retorted the oppression upon some of the Sherif's people or caravans until the matter was compromised.