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"'Whatever is my speshulty, Cherokee? asks Faro Nell, who's as immersed as the rest in these settin's forth; 'what do you-all reckon now is my speshulty? "'Bein' the loveliest of your sex, says Cherokee, a heap emphatic, an' on that p'int we-all strings our game with his. "'That puts the ambrosia on me, says Faro Nell, blushin' with pleasure, an' she calls to Black Jack.

"Which, you observes, son, from these yere settin's forth, that thar's a mighty sight of difference between gents like them pards of mine an' degen'rates of the tribe of Silver Phil. It's the difference between right an' wrong; one works from a impulse of pure jestice, the other is moved of a sperit of crime; an' thar you be.

He nodded to them and puffed away, saying between his whiffs, "How d'ye do, stranger? You agin, Mort? Set daown, both on ye; settin's jest as cheap as standin' raound here," indicating the bench on the other side of the door with a blackened thumb. But neither cared to sit, and Morton lost no time in coming to business. "He wants to go gunning with us in the morning, Uncle Adam, may he?"

Entranced, she listened to the service, sitting upright and very still. The spiritual significance of the music, the massing of foliage and flowers in the chancel, the white altars with their many lighted candles, were very impressive to the little wide-eyed worshipper. "Their settin's is all right," she said to herself critically, "and it ain't like the theayter. It's "

I git tempted and fall into sin before I know it. I'm sufferin' remorse now beca'se I set my old dominique hen twice and cheated her into hatchin' two broods of chickens without givin' her a day's rest between settin's! My remorse is worse beca'se a man can't apologize to a hen or make restitution!"

I was tellin' the stage maniger about it, and he said they'd orter git a man to run the meetin'-houses that understood the proper settin's. Everything, he says, is more'n half in the settin's." "Amarilly," was the earnest response, "will you come to St. Mark's next Sunday to the morning service? The music will please you, I am sure, and there are other things I should like to have you hear."

Down to the vawdyville they're goin' to put on a piece what has a preacher in it, and I tole them about yer surplus, and the leadin' man, who is to be the preacher, says 'twould lend to the settin's to wear it. I told him mebby you'd let him hev the use on it fer a week fer five dollars.