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Each one attempts success to find, Yet narrow is the race-course ever; The chariot rolls, the axles quiver, The hero presses on, the coward stays behind, The proud man falls with mirth-inspiring fall, The wise man overtakes them all! Thou see'st fair woman it the barrier stand, With beauteous hands, with smiling eyes, To glad the victor with his prize.

But, to take another case, when a command of the Sovereign Pontiff doth conflict with the rule of the Prince in his realm, see'st thou not what confusion should come if the Pope may revoke the laws of princes and replace them by his own in the temporal affairs of their dominions?

The Apache told him, too, thou see'st thou hast not played the listening game alone, for, hiding behind the fo'castle door myself, I heard him say it, that here lay that famous island, San how is't they call it? San Catlina I know not how 'tis spoken, some Spanish lingo not fit for English tongues!

Bird, if thou art so much for dazzling light, Look, there's the sun above thee; dart upright; Thy nature is to soar up to the sky, Why wilt thou come down to the nets and die? Take no heed to the fowler's tempting call; This whistle, he enchanteth birds withal. Or if thou see'st a live bird in his net, Believe she's there, 'cause hence she cannot get.

"Poor little creature!" she said, "wert thou torn from thy mother? Dost thou pine for one thou see'st not?" She untied it, led it into the house, and spread down hay and blankets for it, in one corner of her kitchen. The little creature seemed cheered by the light and warmth; cuddled down and went to sleep. Hetty's heart was full of thoughts.

A few feet only from the Duomo the campanile drew her vision skyward; the film of smoke was lighter here, and the sky seemed nearer bluer. She turned to her little charge with a beaming face her moods were so easily wrought upon by phases of nature, but slowly moved by personal influences. "See'st thou, bimbo, how it is beautiful here by the Duomo?"

I had now learned to laugh at trifles, and I cared little about this decided step which his prudence induced him to take. "Our boat has one sail, And the helmsman is pale; A bold pilot, I trow, Who should follow us now," Shouted he. As he spoke, bolts of death Speck'd their path o'er the sea. "And fear'st thou, and fear'st thou? And see'st thou, and hear'st thou?

A small lance-thrust 'neath the gorget, see'st thou, 'twill be healed Ha, they charge us again stand firm, pikes!" So shouting, Sir Benedict wheeled his horse and Beltane with him, and once again the road echoed to the din of battle.

'But, child, do me even this last favour; when thou comest forth, and see'st me hanging in thy gateway, pass me not careless by, thy hapless lover, but stand, and weep a little while; and when thou hast made this libation of thy tears, then loose me from the rope, and cast over me some garment from thine own limbs, and so cover me from sight; but first kiss me for that latest time of all, and grant the dead this grace of thy lips.

"I think here was witchcraft, master, spells, see'st thou, and magic black and damned. As thou wert true to her, so was she true to thee, as true as aye, as true as I am, and true am I, Saint Cuthbert knoweth that, who hath heard my prayers full oft of late, master." "Now God bless thee, Roger O, God bless thee!"