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"Sure I do," said Mary, "but I don't see's it makes no difference to me." Further questions followed and Mary declared her belief, adding, "I don't bother much about them things." Mary had some facts and declared some sort of belief in them, but they made no difference.

"I hate her so much that I kissed her good-by and sailed away to make a quick fortune. I hope Alaska's unhealthy." "Yeah?" "You see, I'm a doctor. I'm a good doctor, too, but it takes a long time to prove it, out in the States, and I can't wait a long time." Mr. Hyde pondered briefly. "I don't see's you got much on me, Doc," he said.

"That's so, sir," Melissa answered once more, in her accustomed affirmative. "I took it as a sort of university trip. I graduated in Europe. In America, of course, wherever you go, all you can see's everywhere just the same purely new and American; the language, the manners, the type, don't vary. In Europe, you cross a frontier or a ribbon of sea, and everything's different.

It died when we went down betwixt New Falls and Montgomery, Alabama. I don't know when we left Alabama nor how long we stayed there. After he was told he was free, I know he didn't make nare another crop on Ben See's plantation. "My father, when he left from where we was freed, he went to hauling logs for a sawmill, and then he farmed. He done that for years, driving these old oxen.

"Mark cock Frank!" Well steadily enough, as I thought, I pitched my gun up! covered my bird fairly! pulled! the trigger gave not to my finger. I tried the other. Devil's in it, I had forgot to cock my gun! and ere I could retrieve my error, the bird had topped the bush, and dodged out of sight, and off "Mark! mark! Tim!" I shouted. "Ey! ey! sur Ay see's urn!"

They had some clothes all right, enough to cover themselves. I don't know what kind or how much because I wasn't old enough to know all into such details. "When we left Ben See's plantation and went down into Alabama, we left there on a wagon. Daddy was driving four big steers hitched to it. There was just three of us children. The little boy my mother was schooling then, it died.

See's perception with this instrument, in 1899, of Neptune's cloud-belts, and his refined series of micrometrical measures of the various planets, attest the unimpaired excellence of its optical qualities. It held the primacy for more than eight years.

"Ye see, Perez," said Israel, at last getting to the point, "we callate yew mout dew suthin to kinder stop em ef ye'd take a holt. Abner 'l hear ter ye, an all on em would. I don' see's nobody else in taown kin dew nothin. Ezry an me wuz a talkin baout ye overt' the mill, an Ezry says, 'Le's gwover ter see him. I says, 'Git right inter my cart, an we'll go, an so here we be."

Funny, Austin's the only one of us can see's she's got a single fault. He says she's got lots of 'em, just like any other woman but I bet he'd cut the tongue out of any one else who said so. Seems as if I couldn't wait for the third of September to come so's she'll really be my daughter, though I haven't got one that seems any dearer to me, even now." "Speakin' of weddin's," said Mrs.

I jest wish to goodness an' all creation I'd never ben sech a plumb born nateral fool as to oh, wouldn't I like to jest shake that man!" she broke out, letting her anger gain the upper hand. Then Phoebe recalled their situation and their expectations of the night before. "Why, then I ought to be gettin' little pretty fast," she said, feeling her arms. "I don't see's I've shrunk a mite, hev I?"