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"Honey, you were right when you guessed that Aunt Sharley has been holdin' somethin' back frum you durin' this past week; but she's been tellin' you the truth too in a way of speakin'. She ain't got any money saved up or at least ef she's got any at all it ain't ez much ez you imagine. Whut she's got laid by kin only represent the savin's of four or five years, not of a whole lifetime.

"What's the trouble with me? I know mother's temper's onsartain, but we never need go into the main house daytimes and father'd allers stand up ag'in' her if she didn't treat you right. I've got a good trade and father has a hundred dollars o' my savin's that I can draw out to-morrer if you'll have me."

Well, I swan, I thought I should have split, I could hardly keep from bustin' right out with larfter; he was all covered with feathers, lint and dust, the savin's of all the sweepin's since the house was built, shoved under there for tidiness. He actilly sneezed for the matter of ten minutes he seemed half choked with the flaff and stuff, that came out with him like a cloud.

No! Slane wint an' asked her. He's a good bhoy is Slane. Wan av these days he'll get into the Com'ssariat an' dhrive a buggy wid his savin's. So I provided for Ould Pummeloe's daughter; an' now you go along an' dance agin wid her." And I did. I felt a respect for Miss Jhansi McKenna; and I went to her wedding later on. Perhaps I will tell you about that one of these days. Oh!

'Hae ye ony siller laid up, Betty? 'Ay. I hae feifteen poun' i' the savin's bank. 'An' what do ye think o' doin'? 'I'll get a bit roomy, an' tak in washin'. 'Weel, I'll tell ye what I wad like ye to do. Ye ken Mistress Elshender? 'Fine that. An' a verra dacent body she is. 'Weel, gin ye like, ye can haud this hoose, an' a' 'at's in't, jist as it is, till the day o' yer deith.

So we decided we'd take a trip up to Boston and collect the money, stick it into some savin's bank where 'twould draw interest until spring and then haul it out and use it. 'Twas about every cent we had in the world. "'So to Boston we went, collected our money, got the address of a safe bank and started out to find it.

You must know," continued the captain, sinking his voice to a hoarse whisper, "that your dear father used to allow me to put my savin's into his hands for investment, and the investments succeeded so well that at last I found myself in possession of five hundred a year!" Captain Bream said this with much deliberation and an emphatic nod for each word, while he gazed solemnly in Ruth's face.

"'But how about the poor folks that had their savin's in them stocks, I asks, 'and don't know high financin'? Where's the law of supply and demand come in for them? "He laughed. 'They supply the suckers and the demand for money, says he. "By eleven we was well out toward the fishin' grounds.

Don't never blame me because you are too green to know what's good for you. You are the only green things here, though. And don't forget, there ain't a man of you can get out of here on your own income or on your own savin's. Not a one. You're all locked into this valley an' the key's in purgatory.

An' then, as if that wasn' enough, you must come nosin' in after Mr Nanjivell's small savin's. . . . Gentry!" she swung round upon Builder Gilbert. "Here, Mr Gilbert, you're neither gentry nor perlice. When I tell you about Miss Charity Oliver, that calls herself a lady! That's your gentry!" "Hey?" Nicky-Nan pushed her hand aside. "What's this you're tellin', now?"