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Couldn't we spare her?" he asked with a pathetic eagerness. "We've got eight other cows to milk. Can't we spare her? If you think Sam'll set the dog on me, I'll have her driv over in the mornin'. Jim'll take her." "I don't think it's any use, Bill; but you can try it," remarked Mrs. Norris, her soul singing within her like a celestial choir.

Tract as has been formerly reserv'd for the Indians, but for a Long time has been wholly Left, & is now altogether unimprov'd by them, And all other things which this Hon'ble: Court in their Wisdom & justice Shall See meet to appoint for the Regulation of such Plantation or Town. And Yo'r: Hum'ble: Petitioners as in Duty Bound Shall Ever Pray &c. Gershom Procter Sam'll.

The Indians also haue Declared them Selves willing to forego that Provided they may haue it made up upon theire West Line, And we Judge it may be there added to theire Conveniance. 2: October: 1682. Exhibited in Court 3: 8: 82: & approved T D: R. A true Coppy of y'e originall on file w'th y'e Records of County Court for Middx. Ex'd p'r Sam'll: Phipps Cle'r

"Gi'me a chance now, skipper," says Gillis, and orders a little something, and when the waiter was gone: "Sam's not far away. I left him up to Antone's rolling dice for turkeys. We came over, him and me, on a little French packet. Sam guessed you'd come back to Saint Pierre, and if you did he knew you'd drop in here. Sam'll be here soon, he guessed you'd come here.

Sam'll take care of us. Won't you, Sam?" asked Freddie as he took the other hand. "And if there's a fire I can go near tie firemen, can't I?" he begged. "We'll see," said the colored man, with a nod to Mrs. Bobbsey to show that he understood how to look after the smaller twins. "Come on!" cried Charley. "I want to see that wreck!"

Sure, dere's a whole bunch of dem, and unless youse come on down dey'll bite de hull head off of us lot. Leave those stiffs on de roof. Let Sam wait here with his canister, and den dey can't get down, 'cos Sam'll pump dem full of lead while dey're beatin' it t'roo de trap-door. Sure." Psmith nodded reflectively. "There is certainly something in what the bright boy says," he murmured.

I've heard lots o' people TALK, but I never heard such a big l " "You shut up!" shouted Roddy. "You ole " Penrod interposed. "Why'n't you show us the horn, Roddy?" he asked. "You said you could get it. You show us the horn and we'll believe you. If you show us the horn, Sam'll haf to take what he said back; won't you, Sam?" "Yes," said Sam, and added. "He hasn't got any. He went and told a "

"It's nothing agin 'er character," ses Ginger. "It's a credit to her, looked at properly," ses Peter Russet. "And Sam'll 'ave the pleasure of bringing of 'em up," ses Ginger. "Bringing of 'em up?" ses Sam, in a trembling voice and turning pale; "bringing who up?" "Why, 'er children," ses Ginger. "Didn't she tell you? She's got nine of 'em."

Let Sam wait here wit' his canister, and den he can't get down, 'cos Sam'll pump him full of lead while he's beatin' it t'roo de trapdoor. Sure!" John nodded reflectively. "There is certainly something in that," he murmured. "I guess the grand rescue scene in the third act has sprung a leak. This will want thinking over." In the street the disturbance had now become terrible.

"'Looks like it, ses Peter, dressing hisself very slowly. "'There's nobody'll mourn for me, that's one comfort, ses Ginger. "'Or me, ses Peter. "'P'r'aps Sam'll miss us a bit, ses Ginger, grinding 'is teeth as old Sam went on washing as if he was deaf. 'He'ss the only real pal we ever 'ad.