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When Gharib defeated Sabur's army, as hath been related, and took him prisoner, the King's son fled, with a handful of his father's force and ceased not flying till he reached the city of Shiras, where he went into King Khirad Shah and kissed ground before him, whilst the tears ran down his cheeks.

Then he went into the King's palace and sitting down on Sabur's throne, gave robes and largesse and distributed the booty and treasure among the Arabs and Persians, wherefore they loved him and wished him victory and honour and endurance of days. But Fakhr Taj's mother remembered her daughter and raised the voice of mourning for her, and the palace was filled with wails and cries.

So he kissed Gharib's hand and thanked him, and they rested till the end of the day, when they set out for King Sabur's capital. Meanwhile, the fugitives of the defeated force reached Isbanir and went in to Sabur, crying out and saying, "Alas!" and "Well-away!" and "Woe worth the day!" Quoth he, "What hath befallen you and who with his mischief hath smitten you?"

Asked Sa'adan, "And why wilt thou not carry me with thee to the land of the Persians?"; and Gharib answered, "Because thou stolest away King Sabur's daughter and if his eye fall on thee, he will eat thy flesh and drink thy blood."