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"Good-morning, young woman. How are you?" "Very well, thank you, my child." "How is business, young woman?" "Thank you, my child, I get on very well." They were all glad, oh, so glad, that the "young woman" was so healthy and strong, and that she got richer day by day; they boasted of it where-ever they went. "Our Rosália is getting on well.

The park fills up the background; it consists merely of a few avenues and meadows, extending to the foot of Mount Rosalia. This mountain I also ascended. The finest paved street, which is sufficiently broad for three carriages to pass each other, winds in a serpentine manner round the rocky heights, so that we can mount upwards without the slightest difficulty.

"It was a great pity he took just that one." Rosália felt bound to defend her husband. "How was he to know that?" she said. "He never had a reason for anything he did."

The elders of the party were glad to get the lively youngsters safely on dry land again. "I thought Rosalia was going to turn into a water nymph," said Lilias, comparing notes afterwards with Dulcie. "She leaned over in the most dangerous manner, and so did Tito. If the boats hadn't been so broad, they would have capsized." "Then Pluto would have bagged the whole lot of us!

I think we ought to congratulate him on the splendid way he has taken a joke which certainly went much farther than was intended." At that, everybody crowded round Everard, making pretty speeches, for all realized that the mock adventure had been real enough to him at the time. "I should faint if I thought I were taken by a brigand!" shivered Aimée. "I should die outright!" declared Rosalia.

With the softening of manners a new element appears. Male saints lost their chief raison d'etre, and these virile creatures were superseded by pacific women. So, to give only one instance, Saint Rosalia in Palermo displaced the former protector Saint Mark. Her sacred bones were miraculously discovered in a cave; and have since been identified as those of a goat.

Dulcie and Douglas were responsible for Gaspare, Rosalia, and Nina, while Vittore, and Aimée, Claude, and Bertram went together. Carmel held Tito and Berta each by a hand, and Ernesto helped them all three into a boat. Everard was in the very act of jumping in after them, when Ernesto stopped him. "Excuse me, Signore, that is my place! There is plenty of room for you in the other boat."

Believe me, Rosália, who is ten years older than you, would not be such a silly little goose, if she had your chances, for she is a philosopher, and if she were to be told that Pál Gregorics spits blood she would only think to herself, "What an interesting man!" And aloud she would say, "I will nurse him."

His son was a worthy scion, cold and proud; but Rosalia was, according to legend, utterly the reverse, a passionate, beautiful girl, wilful and headstrong, and careless of her family and the world.

Most stars, having the "business" of their play once settled upon, seem to think it veritable sacrilege to alter it, no matter how good the reason for an alteration; and a suggestion offered to a star is generally considered an impertinence. In studying my part of Rosalia, the convict's wife, a very pretty bit of "business" occurred to my mind.