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Giotto's Chapel at Padua; the Villa Farnesina at Rome, built by Peruzzi and painted in fresco by Raphael and Sodoma; the Palazzo del Te at Mantua, Giulio Romano's masterpiece; the Scuola di San Rocco, illustrating the Venetian Renaissance at its climax, might be cited among the most splendid of these achievements.

He is dressing for dinner. We are to dine together at Romano's. And there, my lady, you have finally the answer to the mystery that has I hope puzzled you.

Giotto's chapel at Padua; the Villa Farnesina at Rome, built by Peruzzi and painted in fresco by Raphael and Sodoma; the Palazzo del Te at Mantua, Giulio Romano's masterpiece; the Scuola di San Rocco, illustrating the Venetian Renaissance at its climax, might be cited among the most splendid of these achievements.

We can fancy the fair face of Andrea's wife being lovingly caressed by the weaver's fingers in his work; we can imagine the beauties of Titian, the sumptuousness of Veronese's feasts, and the fat materialism of Giulio Romano's heavy cherubs, all contributing to the most beautiful of textile arts.

How we revelled in that drink as we paused at Romano's Well! the only spot on the Peninsula where we could get a draught of real, cold, unchlorinated water! About 6 p.m. we reached our destination, a series of holes in the ground lying between the Pink Farm Road and "X" Beach, and about a mile behind the Farm itself. The Quarter-Master, Lieut.

But it also carries him at times into the other's personality, so that he finds himself thinking thoughts that are not his own, using phrases which he has unconsciously borrowed, writing, it may be, as nearly like his long-studied original as Julio Romano's painting was like Raphael's; and all this with the unquestioning conviction that he is talking from his own consciousness in his own natural way.

It is pleasanter, however, to pass to this description of Giulio Romano's 'Cephalus and Procris': We should read Moschus's lament for Bion, the sweet shepherd, before looking at this picture, or study the picture as a preparation for the lament. We have nearly the same images in both.

Among the aversions of Humphrey Prideaux were the "gentlemen of All Souls." They certainly showed extraordinary impudence when they secretly employed the University Press to print off copies of Marc Antonio's engravings after Giulio Romano's drawings. It chanced that Fell visited the press rather late one evening, and found "his press working at such an imployment.

Her eyes, in the dimness, looked very deep. "I knew I should," she answered murmurously. The inimitable atmosphere of Romano's loosened his tongue.

He was thinking of Romano's message. "So it would appear." "I beg pardon? I was er thinking " "It was of no consequence, Mr. Schmidt," she said airily. He picked up the thread once more. "As a matter of fact, I've heard it said that Miss Blithers refused to marry the Prince." "Is it possible?" with fine irony. "Is he such a dreadful person as all that?"