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'Curse the pens! exclaimed he, throwing the last bright crisp yellow thing from him in disgust. 'There's not one among 'em that can go! all reg'larly stumped up. 'Haven't you a penknife? asked Jack, taking the cigar out of his mouth. 'Not I, replied Sponge. 'Take a razor, then, said Jack, who was good at an expedient.

"Samson!" cried Fred, the next morning, in a fit of excitement, "oh, if we had properly looked over that cave in the old days, and seen what it was like!" "Well, sir, I s'pose it would have been better, sir. All the nicer, too, for Sir Godfrey, if we'd reg'larly furnished it, and set up a couple of four-post bedsteads, and had down carpets and such." "Do you mean this for banter, sir?"

"'Bout that time; just rucked up and floated with the tide." "Not much chance o' spottin' him by his looks, eh?" "Nor anything else, you bet. Reg'larly cleaned out. Look at his pockets." "Wharf-rats or shanghai men?" "Betwixt and between, I reckon. Man who found him says he's got an ugly cut just back of his head. Ye can't see it for his floating hair."

"Which I am, Jem, and you ought to be ashamed. You grumbled over your breakfast, and you reg'larly worried your dinner, and all on account of a button." "Well, then, you should sew one on. When a man's married he does expect to find buttons on his clean shirts." "Yes, and badly enough you want 'em, making 'em that sticky as you do." "I can't help that; it's only sugar." "Only sugar indeed!

"We change with the passing years," said Kellogg, in a moralizing tone, which recalled his former vocation. "Now you are a man, and we meet here on the other side of the continent, on the banks of the Yuba River. I hope we are destined to be successful." "I hope so, too," said Joshua, "for I'm reg'larly cleaned out." "If I can help you any in the sway of information, I shall be glad to do so."

"Sure on it, sir. I wouldn't ha' answered for him if you'd gone back with your tail between your legs, reg'larly whipped; but seeing how you can go back and cry cock-a-doodle-doo! "Like a dog, Tom?" said Aleck, grimly, with a feeling of amusement at the way in which his companion was mixing up his metaphors. "Like a dog, sir? Tchah! Dogs can't crow. You know what I mean.

And my 'pinion is, Sammy, that if your governor don't prove a alleybi, he'll be what the Italians call reg'larly flummoxed, and that's all about it. As the elder Mr.

She took him in hand, yanked him outer himself, put his foot on the bedrock, and made him what you see him now. Well what happened; why, he got reg'larly soft on her; wanted to MARRY HER, and I agreed conditionally, of course, to keep him up to the mark. Did you speak?" "No," said the lady, with her bright eyes fixed upon him.

I can't escape from old associations. Oysters stare me in the face wherever I go. They're fash'nable, Samivel, and it's about the only think in fash'n as I reg'larly likes. The old ooman, or madame, as she calls herself, was on hand to receive but I was out of the way. She was mightily flustered, for she know'd I could talk a little Dutch, and she wanted me for to interpret with the Hungry'uns.

And who do you think it was? Why, our friend Louis Sylvester!" Mrs. Merrydew smiled slightly, with her bright eyes still on the speaker. "Well, you know he IS fast at times if he is a friend of mine and she reg'larly tackled him; and as my old woman says, it was a sight to see her go for him. But then HE didn't tumble to it. No! Reformin' ain't in HIS line I'm afeard. And what was the result?