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His professions are journalism and advertising; is bothered mostly with the necessity of getting the nebulous idea for a story on paper, freshwater sailing, and the problem of improving his game of golf. First story, "The End of the Lane," Reedy's Mirror, Feb. 2, 1917. He lives in Minneapolis. *When Did You Write Your Mother Last? LONDON, JACK. Born at San Francisco, 1876.

It is the brand, and not the goods, that gives a circulation to these books. The pieces in Spoon River Anthology originally appeared in William Marion Reedy's periodical, called Reedy's Mirror, the first one being printed in the issue for 29 May, 1914, and the others following week after week.

Pearson's Magazine, 34 Union Square, New York City. Pictorial Review, 216 West 39th Street, New York City. Queen's Work, 3200 Russell Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Reedy's Mirror, Syndicate Trust Building, St. Louis, Mo. Saturday Evening Post, Independence Square, Philadelphia, Pa. Scribner's Magazine, 597 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

He edited one of Bierce's volumes, adding a pleasant and scholarly little introduction. He was an occasional contributor to Reedy's Mirror, where he enjoyed indulging in his original vein of satire and shrewd comment. He was a great lover of quaint and exotic restaurants, and was particularly fond of the Turkish café, the Constantinople, just off Madison Square.

Amy Lowell a patrician a radical her education her years of preparation vigour and versatility definitions of free verse and of poetry Whitman's influence the imagists Patterns her first book her rapid improvement sword blades her gift in narrative polyphonic prose Anna Hempstead Branch her dramatic power domestic poems tranquil meditation an orthodox poet Edgar Lee Masters his education Greek inspiration a lawyer Reedy's Mirror the Anthology power of the past mental vigour similarity and variety irony and sarcasm passion for truth accentuation of ugliness analysis a masterpiece of cynicism an ideal side the dramatic monologue defects and limitations Louis Untermeyer his youth the question of beauty three characteristics a gust of life Still Life old maids burlesques and parodies the newspaper humourists F. P. A. his two books his influence on English composition.

After vacillating between writing and the stage, the pen finally conquered, and between 1909 and 1912 just thirty-three manuscripts were submitted to and rejected by one publication alone, a publication which later came to feature her work. First short story published in Reedy's Mirror, 1909; second story in Smith's Magazine, 1912. Lives in New York City.

Addison Lewis has published during the past year a series of stories in Reedy's Mirror which have more of O. Henry's magic than the thousand writers who have endeavored to imitate him to the everlasting injury of American literature.

Norton, after answering with a few vague references to Tuck Reedy's report, suddenly made a bald evasion of the subject; she went back without ceremony to the subject of rocks. Jonas had a new feeling that there was something peculiar about the matter. "And so I was thinking," continued Mrs. Norton, "that we had better return them pretty soon.

This is the only story I have read in three years in which it seemed to me that I found the authentic voice of "O. Henry" speaking. Mr. Lewis has been publishing a series of these "Tales While You Wait" in Reedy's Mirror during the past few months, and I should much prefer them to those of Jack Lait for the complete success with which he has achieved his aims.