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He came, he saw, he was conquered. My wife lassoed him at a throw. He went home in fetters, his eloquence alone unloosed. Long before the night on which they should meet to call, he had brandished his opinion as to the wisdom of my delirious haste. "But did he mak' his choice so redeek'lus sudden?" he was asked. "I dinna ken," he answered tropically, "and I dinna care.

"When Wullie slippit awa, at midnight his twa dochters, Kirsty an' Ann, took on redeek'lus, an' the auld wumman was waur. But the twa elders sat an oor, comfortin' the twa lassies, ane to ilka ane, an' baith o' them no' bad to luik at. They comfortit them muckle the same as I comfortit Betsy when we did oor coortin', but the puir auld buddy was left her lane wi' naebody to comfort her ava.

"What for div we need anither motion?" said Thomas Laidlaw, evidently perplexed. "There's nane o' us gaun to gie in to thae man-made hymes an' their kist o' whustles wad be fair redeek'lus." "Let us hear what they have to say in its behalf," said Mr. Blake. "Every honest man should be open to conviction."

"'Na, na, says Davie, 'but it's the fast day, an' I canna stand it ony longer. I'm gaun ower the burn to hae a whustle. Wasna that fair redeek'lus!" "Quite ingenious," answered Mr. Blake. "You go to that church, I suppose?" "Na, I dinna. I quit it when they brocht the kist o' whustles intill't. I wadna stand it.