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He would be at the worst, should it come to the worst, Mrs. Rance's difficulty, and he served therefore quite enough as the stout bulwark of anyone else. This was in truth logic without a flaw, yet it gave Mr. Verver less comfort than it ought. He feared not only danger he feared the idea of danger, or in other words feared, hauntedly, himself. It was above all as a symbol that Mrs.

"One moment," said the prisoner as the miners started to go out; and, strange to relate, the Sheriff ordered the men to halt. Turning once more to the prisoner, he said: "Be quick what is it?" "It is true," began the unfortunate road agent in an even, unemotional voice, "that I love the Girl." At these words Rance's arms flew up threateningly, while a mocking smile sprang to his lips.

Instantly the cry was taken up by the others, but it was Trinidad who, shaking his fist in Rance's face, supplemented: "You hustle up an' run a bridle through your p'int o' teeth or your boom for re-election 's over, you lily-fingered gambler!"

Presently she said: "Boys, of late a man in trouble has been on my mind " She paused, her glance having caught the peculiar light which her words had caused to appear in Rance's eyes, and lest he should misunderstand her meaning, she hastened to add: "Sid, o' course, an' I fell to thinkin' o' the Prodigal Son. He done better, didn't he?"

Now, this is a respectable saloon, an' I don't want no more of it." A look of gloom came into Rance's eyes. "I didn't say anything " he began. "Push me that Queen," interrupted the Girl, sharply, gathering up the cards at the faro table, and pointing to one that was just beyond her reach.

Rance's conspiring against him, at Fawns, with the billiard-room and the Sunday morning, on the occasion round which we have perhaps drawn our circle too wide. Mrs.

"You, evidently, take no account of the fact that the lady may have changed her mind," observed Rance, lighting a fresh cigar. "The Nina Micheltoreñas are fully as privileged as others of their sex." As he drained his glass Ashby gave the speaker a sharp glance; another side of Rance's character had cropped out.

For some time Nick had been standing near the window gazing in the direction of the Girl's cabin. Turning, suddenly, to Rance, the only other occupant of the room, he remarked somewhat sadly: "I'd be willin' to lose the profits of the bar if we could git back to a week ago before Johnson walked into this room." At the mention of the road agent's name Rance's eyes dropped to the floor.

I've come here in good faith. I've been in camps like this before in Kelso's, Dave Rance's, Blondy Larkin's, an' some others. Them men are outlaws like you an' me; an' they've done things that make them greater than you an' me in our line. But I've visited them, free an' easy goin' an' comin' whenever I pleased. An' no man threatenin' me. "Your manners is irritatin' to me I'm tellin' you so.

And he made me enter a little dark, triangular closet built in a bend of the wall, to the left of the door of Arthur Rance's room. From this recess I could see all that occurred in the gallery as well as if I had been standing in front of Arthur Rance's door, and I could watch that door, too.