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He said this floor was one that would light an' catch easy, you r'member." "Another winter we can move down and take the bedroom ourselves 't will be warmer for us," suggested Hannah; but Betsey shook her head doubtfully. The thought of their old father's grave, unwatched and undefended in the outermost dark field, filled their hearts with a strange tenderness.

It's my belief if you hadn't got de water dat day to throw in my face, I should never have come round again; and so, Clump, here, take dis coat, I'll gub tur you to r'member dis fite. And now dese gemmen laff at deir gran'pa's coat! but black Clump, ole nigger, lub it! Yaas, he'll lub it till he's 'posited in de bowels ob de arth."

But now I want to know something from you. What has become of your nephew?" He put the question suddenly, and with a kind of suppressed leap at him whom he addressed. Immeasurable was his surprise at the perfectly calm answer "I can't r'member hicsactly, sir." "Can't remember! Can't remember what?" "Where-I-put't." "It?" "Yes. Th' umbrella." "What on earth are you talking about?" exclaimed Mr.

"Think!" exclaimed the other, "what am I paid a salary for? What are my brains doin' night an day eh? Of course I can think; thash's my pr'feshion, is thinking." "R'member him, of course," hiccuped Ned. "Well, then, he could get us a corpse, you know couldn't he?" Ned looked uncommonly knowing at this point, and admitted that he rather thought he could a dozen of them, if necessary.

I r'member when this young man was born that's married to-day, an' the fust thing his poor mother wanted to know was about his hands bein' right. I said yes they was, but las' year he was twenty year old and come home from the frontier with one o' them hands his right one shot off in a fight.

You have two distinct states of existence, you see: a cloven one, and an uncloven one; and what you have done in one you are totally oblivious of in the other." Something like an occult wink trembled for a moment in the right eye of Mr. "Tha's ver' true," said he, thoughtfully. "I've been 'blivious m'self, frequently. Never c'd r'member wharIowed."

BUMSTEAD'S arms were folded tightly across his manly breast, and the fine head with the straw hat upon it tilted heavily towards his bosom. "I see't now," said he softly; "bone han'le 'n ferule. I r'member threshing 'm with it. I can r'memb'r carry'ng " Here Mr. BUMSTEAD burst into tears, and made a frenzied dash at the lock of hair which he again mistook for a fly. "To sum up all," concluded Mr.

I've lived as butler in the besht, the mosht ecxlu most arishto you know the sort o' fam'lies I'm tryin' to r'member and and everything was always all ri', and I shall be all ri' in a few minutes." With this assurance he stumbled downstairs, leaving Horace relieved to some extent.

Solomon Black waited modestly till this gratifying demonstration had subsided, then she went on: "I guess most of you ladies'll r'member how one short year ago Miss Lyddy Orr Bolton came a'walkin' int' our midst, lookin' sweet an' modest, like she was; and how down-in-th'-mouth we was all a-feelin', 'count o' havin' no money t' buy th' things we'd worked s' hard t' make.

Wall, I r'member thet place. There's a narrer pass through thet hill, thet we've got ter go through. I've been in it once afore, and it's a mighty pokerish place, I tell yer: however, we'll git along all right, I reckon." In a short time we reached the entrance to the cañon, which was indeed a narrow pass.