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"I must have the voices through the cone while I am covering the psychic's mouth." To this "Mitchell" replied: "We are doing all we can, and we will yet be able to meet every demand you make upon us." "I am anxious for conviction," I said. "I want to secure the voice of the psychic and your voice at the same time, 'Mr. Mitchell. Can you do that for me?"

The 'spirit' seemed drawn by some magnetic force toward the psychic, and the psychic seemed under an immense strain to keep the apparition exterior to himself. When they met the spectre vanished, and the psychic's fall seemed inevitable a collapse from utter exhaustion. I was at the moment convinced that I had seen a vaporous entity born of the medium.

My friend stated that he thought he had at last found a person with at least some queer psychical gift, if not even possessing the power that he claimed. He had watched the exhibition most carefully, and had even served on a committee on the psychic's stage; and he could find no evidence of trickery of any kind.

Harris was free from the "influence," I woke her and told her what we were about to do. She followed Mrs. Cameron readily, although she seemed a little dazed, and five of us continued the sitting, with Mrs. Quigg and Cameron looking on with perfectly evident doubt of our psychic's sincerity. Harris was rigidly excluded. In the quiet of this room Mrs.

Miller then unreeled a spool of silk twist, and this I tied squarely to the arm of the chair at a point about six feet from the loose end which I intended to hold. I knotted the silk about the psychic's wrists, drawing it to a hard knot each time, and gave the spool to Miller, while retaining the loose end of the thread in my own hands.

Don't play with fire. Be careful of fire " Again a calm blankness fell upon the psychic's delicate and sensitive face, and the hand once more slowly closed upon the pencil. "My father again!" exclaimed Mrs. Cameron. "How could Dolly have known that he held his pen in just that way? She never saw him." "Do not place too much value on such performances," I cautioned.

He answered, with some reservation: "They will do. I would like to have light, but that I suppose is impossible." "No, not impossible," replied Mrs. Smiley, "but the work is always weaker in the light; the voices are stronger in the dark." Mrs. Miller took her seat exactly opposite Mrs. Smiley. I was at her right. Miller, after turning out the gas, sat opposite me and at the psychic's left. Mrs.

I do not believe the psychic's hands have moved an inch, and yet, unless some one of you is false to his trust, the miraculous has happened Are you there, 'Wilbur?" I queried of the mystic presence. The cone swung toward me, and "Wilbur" answered: "I am, old horse." "Well, Wilbur, there are two bigoted scientific people here to-night, and I want you to put them to everlasting rout."

It was noticeable to me all through this sitting, as at others, that neither "Wilbur" nor "Mitchell" nor "Maud" ever addressed the psychic; they spoke of her, but never to her. I requested further tests. "'Wilbur, I want the privilege of going to the psychic's side. I don't like this long-distance experiment. I want to get closer to these facts if they are facts."

This is only one of many astonishing passages in this dialogue. "In all this work 'E. A. carried himself like the creative master. He held to a plane apparently far above the psychic's musical knowledge, and often above that of his amanuensis.