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"I didn't talk in that way about the baby you adopted," I said. To this she made no answer, but went away to attend, as usual, to Pomona's baby, while its mother washed the dishes. That night little Pat woke up, several times, and made things unpleasant by his wails.

Besides this, she could only work on it in the daytime when I was away and was, of course, interrupted a great deal by her ordinary household duties, and the necessity of a careful oversight of Pomona's somewhat erratic methods of doing her work. But at last she finished the job and took it into the city.

The man, who had not attempted to interrupt Pomona's speech, now began again to implore me to let him down, while Euphemia looked pitifully at him, and was about, I think, to intercede with me in his favor, but my attention was drawn off from her, by the strange conduct of the dog.

'Mamma, have you any idea what papa means to do? 'In what way, my dear? Lady Pomona's voice was not gracious, as she was free from that fear of her daughter's ascendancy which had formerly affected her. 'Well; I suppose he must have some plan. 'You must explain yourself. I don't know why he should have any particular plan. 'Will he go to London next year? 'That depends upon money, I suppose.

A quarter of an hour later the Caversham servant was on his way home with two letters, the one from Roger expressing his regret that he could not accept Lady Pomona's invitation, and the other from Lady Carbury declaring that she and her son and daughter would have great pleasure in dining at Caversham on the Monday.

"Not even if I throw it out of Pomona's little door, I suppose." "No. Don't throw it at all. Encourage people. What would the world be if everybody chilled our aspirations and extraordinary efforts? Like Fulton's steamboat." "All right," I said; "I'll not discourage her." It was now getting late in the season.

Neither of them gave up the search for a day; but Jonas, haggard and worn, wandered aimlessly about the city, visiting every place into which he imagined a child might have wandered, or might have been taken, searching even to the crypt in the Guildhall and the Tower of London. Pomona's mind worked quite as actively as her husband's body.

Thomson in the "Seasons" alludes to him: "Phillips, Pomona's bard, the second thou Who nobly durst, in rhyme-unfettered verse, With British freedom, sing the British song."

The matter had perhaps escaped Lady Pomona's memory, but Sophia was happily alive to the honour of her family. 'Georgey, she said one morning in their mother's presence, 'don't you think Mr Brehgert's watch ought to go back to him without any more delay? 'What have you got to do with anybody's watch? The watch wasn't given to you. 'I think it ought to go back.

There was little more than passageway between the tent wall and the stage built up some three feet from the ground, and we had to step over the various paraphernalia which was necessary for the performance. What had happened was this. A projecting piece of woodwork had caught Pomona's dress as she passed, tearing off one of the white pompons, which had rolled underneath the platform.