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I was fighting as well as I could by Captain Pinson's side, when he said to me, "Save yourself if you can quick! through the window; all hope is gone for us." This, I feared, was too true; for just then overwhelming numbers of Pastucians rushed into the room, armed with spears and bayonets.

The next day Cerizet, who had talked with Dutocq in the course of the morning, returned, bringing trousers, waistcoat, coat, hat, and boots, bought in the Temple, and he carried off Theodose to dine with himself and Dutocq. The hungry Provencal ate at Pinson's, rue de l'Ancienne Comedie, half of a dinner costing forty-seven francs. At dessert, after Theodose had drunk freely, Cerizet said to him:

"You boys neenter to be so brash," drawled Mr. Pinson's son-in-law, Sam Leggett, from his perch on a barrel of pecans; "jest you wait ontell Minty Cullum an' Loo Slater gits a tight holt! Them gals is ez meek ez lambs now. But so was Mis' Pinson an' Mis' Trimble in their day an' time, I reckon. I know Becky Leggett was." "The studdies'-goin' woman on Jim-Ned," continued Mr.

The industrious Pinson's manuscript, with all its attenuated old French characters, its obscure abbreviations, and its well-bred contempt for orthographical accuracy, might perhaps be found even yet in the Provincial archives at Halifax.

Have I not often found young Grandstone supping among his doctors' apprentices of the Ober restaurant after theatre-hours, a skeleton in the corner filled with umbrellas like a hall-rack, and crowned with the triple or quintuple tiara of the girls' best bonnets? Ay, Mimi Pinson's cap has known what it is to perch on the bony head of Death. The juxtaposition is but an emblem.

"And Jane heard down the village that they're not going to call it Pinson's mill any more." "Why should they? Pinson's dead and gone these four years. It's Richard Brandon's mill now." "Yes, sir, but they've christened it Brandon's Folly." "Ha, ha! So it is. But what is folly to some is wisdom to others. What next?