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Because a man wears trousers, shall there be no more cakes and ale? Because a woman subscribes to the London Institution, desires the suffrage, or presides at a Committee, does the bocca baciata perde ventura? Believe me, no. There are at least two persons in each of us, one at least of which can course the starry spaces and inhabit where the other could hardly breathe for ten minutes.

They were coming over the water to the sound of the people's native songs and the echo of their laughter, the young men and maidens of Murano, in barks that were wreathed with garlands and brilliant with the play of color that the Venetians love. "Maridite, maridite, donzela, Che dona maridada è sempre bela; Maridite finchè la fogia è verde, Perchè la zoventù presto se perde."

Under reasonably happy circumstances there is no pain, or exhaustion, or sadness, or emotional revulsion. "Past reason hunted, and no sooner had Past reason hated." He feels rather with Boccaccio that the kissed mouth loses not its charm, "Bocca baciata non perde ventura."

Do you remember one little remark, or rather maxim of his, which might do some good to the common, narrow-minded conceptions of love, 'Bocca baciata non perde ventura; anzi rinnouva, come fa la luna'?" Dante and Petrarch remained the objects of his lasting admiration, though the cruel Christianity of the "Inferno" seemed to him an ineradicable blot upon the greatest of Italian poems.

After characterising each colour separately in a couplet, he ends: "E il rosso, il bianco, e il verde, È un terno che si giuoca, e non si perde." The phrase is borrowed from the language of the lottery. I am tempted to give here another of Mrs.

As the day wore on, the hideous drama of the gaming-house might be seen here by any chance open-air spectator the quivering eagerness, the blank despair, the sobs, the blasphemy, and the blows: "E vedesi chi perde con gran soffi, E bestemmiar colla mano alia mascella, E ricever e dar di molti ingoffi."

Dunlee had his alpenstock, and Uncle James walked beside him, holding little Eddo by the hand. Bab and Lucy, or "the little two," as Aunt Vi called them, were side by side as usual, and Lucy had asked Bab to repeat the story of "Little Bo-Peep" in French, for Nate wanted to hear it. Bab could speak French remarkably well. "Petit beau bouton A perde ses moutons, Il ne sais pas que les a pris.

'Et come ascun appele serra de tele felonie atteint et attende jugement, si soit le jugement tiel que il perde autriel membre come il avera toilet al pleintyre. El sy la pleynte soit faite de femme que avera toilet a home ses membres, en tiei cas perdra la femmela une meyn par jugement, come le membre dount ele avera trespasse. Britton, c 25. Flela, B 1. c. 40; LI. Ælfr. 19. 40.

Et qui done pourrait perde la memoire De ces temps d'aurore et de firmament, De rubans, de fleurs, de gaze et de moire, Ou l'amour begaye un argot charmant? Nos jardins etaient un pot de tulipe; Tu masquais la vitre avec un jupon; Je prenais le bol de terre de pipe, Et je te donnais le tasse en japon. Et ces grands malheurs qui nous faisaient rire! Ton manchon brule, ton boa perdu!